City Hall: New Orleans likely to relax coronavirus restrictions later this week | Local politics
Mayor LaToya Cantrell is ready to relax the coronavirus restrictions as the number of cases continues to decline three weeks after announcing stricter restrictions such as a ban on assembly and a 25% occupancy limit for businesses. It seems to be done.
The mayor and her health director, Dr. Jennifer Avegno, will announce new guidelines on Wednesday, spokesman Bo Tidwell said at his weekly press conference. The current limit will expire at 6 pm on Friday.
“We expect some restrictions to be relaxed, which is due to the efforts people have made,” Tidwell said.
Since January 8th, the city has banned all meetings except those involving close relatives and limited the occupancy of the business to 25%.
Indoor and outdoor sporting events have also been reduced to 4% capacity. Earlier this month, the city banned indoor services at the bar.
This rule was created in response to the increasing number of COVID-19 infections in the city, with 212 cases reported daily. This is four times the 50 thresholds per day that city officials have long stated to impose additional restrictions.
Over the past seven days, the city has recorded an average of about 131 new cases per day, still above that threshold, but improving from previous numbers.
Tidwell did not say on Tuesday which restrictions will change. Existing rules have more or less returned the city to June 2020.
The announcement comes when city officials recently accused Bar and Carnival Cru of hosting large-scale events inside and outside the city.
Instead of canceling the annual ball, as many other crews have done, Nyx’s Mystic Crew has the ball. IP Hotel and Casino Saturday night in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Controversial Nyx’s Mystic Krewe hosted an annual carnival mask ball at a casino hotel in Biloxi, Mississippi, on Saturday night. N …
According to crew spokesman and lawyer Doug Sanseri, 40 to 50 people attended. The city hall urged members to quarantine after the event and said it was irresponsible.
And on Tuesday, Tidwell said it was “certainly possible” to draw a crew parade permit in 2022 after a move to hold the ball.
“What happened at Nyx over the weekend had a negative impact on public health,” he said. “It’s certainly a concern, and we’re sure to consider it when it’s time to consider next year’s permit.”
The city did not issue a parade permit in 2021.
City officials also warned Monkey Hill Bar on Magazine Street after photos of maskless party attendees began to spread on social media over the weekend.
Photos of the monkey hill bar’s almost maskless crowd were circulated online after the Uptown drinking fountain hosted a live music event on Saturday …
According to the bar owner, Saturday’s private live music event was planned to be limited to 40 people, but more people attended than expected, exceeding the bar’s capacity.
According to Tidwell, the city usually gives verbal warnings before issuing further sanctions. If it was Monkey Hill’s first breach, he couldn’t say Wednesday right away.
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