6 out of 10 people who are likely to play safely after a pandemic: Survey, latest Singapore news
Based on a national online survey by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), wearing masks outdoors, using hand sanitizers, avoiding large gatherings and observing safe distances is after Covid-19. Is also a practice maintained by many Singaporeans.
More than 6 out of 10 respondents said they were likely to take these precautions and practice proper hygiene and habits after the pandemic was suppressed.
The 1,606 survey was commissioned by the University’s Information Consistency and Internet Center (IN-cube).
The average age of respondents was 40, and about half were male.
A poll conducted last month was part of a larger survey that tracked residents during the outbreak of Covid-19 to understand the long-term effects of pandemics on social behavior, IN-cube said. Edson Tandock Jr., associate professor of the program, said yesterday. ..
IN-cube is a new research center for the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, established to promote the integrity of online spaces.
According to the survey, nearly 7 out of 10 people said they would stay socially distant and avoid places with large gatherings, and said they were likely to attend large-scale events such as concerts. Was only 3 out of 10.
Approximately 64% said they would continue to wear masks outdoors, two-thirds said they would consistently use hand sanitizers, and more than 60% said they would continue to use video conferencing tools for work and study after the pandemic. I did.
Regarding the findings, Dr. Leon Hoenam, an infectious disease specialist at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, praised Singaporeans’ willingness to adopt good hygiene practices even after Singapore has left the pandemic.
This reduces the risk of catching the flu and common cold viruses, he said.
“Wearing a face mask dramatically reduces respiratory tract infections, and practicing hand hygiene reduces multidrug-resistant bacteria.
“I’m happy to see these common hospital habits being incorporated into the community,” he said.
“Even after Covid-19, if you feel sick or can’t afford to get sick because of work or exams, wearing a mask is the best way to take care of yourself.”
NTU student A. Aravind, 24, said he was looking forward to the end of Covid-19, but he is still happy to wear a face mask.
“I think all the good hygiene habits I’ve practiced will follow me after Covid-19, especially when I’m feeling sick,” he said.
“During the pandemic, I found the use of hand sanitizers to be a very manageable way to ensure good hygiene.”
Wong Jing Hui, a research and management trainee at NTU’s Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, told The Straits Times that he would wear a mask and use hand sanitizers frequently after a pandemic when he was sick.
“One of the things the pandemic has informed us is how infectious coughing and sneezing are.
“We also know how many bacteria can be present at a common touchpoint,” she said.
“Knowing this, if you get sick, it will be difficult to go back to just walking around without a mask, because you know how quickly you can pass the flu to others.”
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