Santa Clara County reports 600 new coronavirus cases and 14 deaths
Santa Clara County, California — Santa Clara County Public Health Service report 600 coronaviruses were added on Tuesday.
According to the latest report, the county-wide case count is 99,174.
The county reported an additional 14 coronavirus-related deaths on Tuesday, with COVID-19 deaths reaching 1,278.
As of Tuesday, there were 523 COVID-19 patients admitted to the county, 131 of whom were being treated in the intensive care unit.
Elsewhere around the Bay Area, the number of coronavirus cases confirmed worldwide on Tuesday Over 100 million, CNN report.
The tough COVID-19 milestone is the second milestone the world has hit in less than two weeks. On January 15, the world’s coronavirus deaths exceeded two million, according to a report quoting data from Johns Hopkins University.
Published by several European countries amid a surge in more infectious coronavirus variants Enhanced requirements and recommendations for face cover, NPR report.
According to the report, Germany has introduced measures that require the use of medical grade masks in stores and public transport.
In an interview with CNN, Dr. Abral Karan of Harvard Medical School said that if everyone in the United States wore an N95 or equivalent mask for four weeks. The coronavirus crisis is over.
Governor Gavin Newsom said on Monday that California plans to launch a corona virus vaccination information and data hub in the coming weeks, allowing state residents to sign up for alerts when they are eligible for the vaccine. Stated.
According to Newsom, the vaccination hub, called My Turn, uses Salesforce and Skedulo technology and is currently piloting in Los Angeles and San Diego counties and will be available state-wide by February. intend to do something.
Residents can use My Turn to sign up for text or email notifications when they can finally receive the vaccine. It also provides information on where vaccines are available, the number of residents in states already vaccinated, and the hierarchy of vaccine access.
Newsom touted MyTurn as the “most robust” vaccination information system in the country, but said it would take weeks to ensure a smooth deployment before it would be available to all Californians. ..
“I just want to make sure I don’t do this and shut down the system,” Newsom said in a pandemic briefing Monday.
As of January 15, approximately 130,000 Californians have been vaccinated daily, according to the California Public Health Service. As of January 17, approximately 3.2 million doses of vaccine have been shipped to local health departments and health systems in multiple counties.
In addition to the launch of My Turn, Newsom will age-based the state’s vaccination hierarchy once all healthcare workers, people over the age of 65, food and farm workers, teachers and school staff are vaccinated. Announced to change to system.
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As of Tuesday afternoon, there were 3,223,383 COVID-19 cases confirmed and 37,822 coronavirus-related deaths in California. Johns Hopkins University..
As of Tuesday afternoon, 25,424,174 COVID-19 cases were identified in the United States, with 424,690 coronavirus-related deaths.
As of Tuesday afternoon, 100,201,258 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed and 2,154,530 coronavirus-related deaths were reported worldwide.
— Bay City News contributed to this report
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