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Studies have shown that drugs extracted from “squirts” fight the coronavirus better than remdesivir.

Studies have shown that drugs extracted from “squirts” fight the coronavirus better than remdesivir.


San Diego (KGTV)-Compound-based antineoplastics found in rare sea creatures are reported to be 30-100 times more potent against the virus that causes COVID-19 than remdesivir, according to a new series of experiments. Science..

In laboratory trials in Petri dishes and mice, the drug apridin has shown the ability to significantly slow virus replication and reduce lung inflammation, according to a team led by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco.

Apridin is the brand name for a drug called pretidepsin, a compound originally found in the rare Mediterranean sea squirts. A squirt clinging to rocks and coral. Creatures are named because they tend to spout seawater when disturbed.

Australian regulators have approved Apridin n 2018 for the treatment of multiple myeloma. This drug is not licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.

“Of all the drugs screened by us and our collaborators [for efficacy against COVID-19], This is by far the most powerful, “said Dr. Nemain Crogan, director of the UCSF Institute for Quantitative Biological Sciences.

Dr. Crogan and his colleagues are testing existing drugs to see if they can be reused against the virus. Instead of focusing on drugs like remdesivir that target the protein of the virus itself, they are looking at a catalog of treatments that target the protein of human cells that the virus needs to hijack.

“The virus cannot live on its own. It cannot replicate on its own. It requires our genes and proteins,” Dr. Crogan said.

As viral mutations are a hot topic around the world, there are some concerns that the indication of coronavirus peplomers may ultimately allow the virus to circumvent treatments such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. .. This is where this alternative strategy targeting human proteins has significant advantages, Crogan said.

“When targeting human proteins, they don’t mutate as fast as viruses, so you don’t have to worry about developing such resistance,” he said.

This week, Crogan and his collaborators released Early research It shows that apridin was as effective against British variants as it was against the original strain. The survey was posted to the preprint server. That is, it has not been peer reviewed yet.

“We have shown that various viruses target similar human proteins, so if they can fight SARS-CoV-2, they probably [combat] SARS-CoV-3, “he said.

The Spanish pharmaceutical company behind Aplidin, Pharma Mar, has been completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials Although the start date is unknown, Crogan said he had positive use of apridin for use in patients with COVID-19 and set up a large phase 3 trial.

“If Phase 3 clinical trials begin tomorrow, we’ll see that the drug will be more widely used in a few months, if the results are promising,” he said.

The drug is given to COVID-19 patients at low doses and for a shorter period of time than the cancer patient regimen, reducing the likelihood of side effects.

Mr. Crogan said that any drug he tested was the closest to the actual COVID-19 treatment. Treatment directly from the Mediterranean.


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