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Need to know if you have been vaccinated against coronavirus


Coronavirus vaccines continue to be rolled out throughout Dorset and throughout the country as the government aims to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Vaccine Minister Nadim Zahawi said the vaccination program will provide the first vaccination to the most vulnerable 15 million people by mid-February and will provide the first vaccination to all adults by the fall.

This was after the European Commission issued a warning in line with AstraZeneca over dose shortages in member states, after which the government stated that it was “in close contact” with its suppliers.

Health Minister Matt Hancock said the UK would work with the European Union to ensure that the supply of coronavirus vaccines would not be disrupted.

Since more than 6.4 million people have been vaccinated at least once with the coronavirus vaccine, the rules for vaccinated people are as follows:

Is it possible to spread the coronavirus even if I am vaccinated?

Dorset Echo: People line up outside the Bridport Medical Center to receive their first coronavirus jab.People line up outside the Bridport Medical Center to receive their first coronavirus jab.

The coronavirus vaccine may not be able to completely prevent people from transmitting the virus to others, the UK’s deputy chief medical officer said.

Professor Jonathan Vantam said that if vaccinated people begin to relax because they are protected, they could endanger those below the priority list that still need vaccination.

Professor Vantam, who wrote in the telegram, said it is still unclear whether the virus can infect others, even if the vaccinated people are protected from getting sick themselves. ..

“Therefore, even after taking both vaccines, you can give Covid to someone else, after which the chain of transmission will continue,” he writes.

“Changes in behavior can spread the virus, increase the number of cases, and endanger others in need of the vaccine but in the queue.

“Everyone has national regulatory and public health advice, as it can take up to three weeks for protection to begin, regardless of whether someone has been vaccinated, and the impact of the vaccine on infection is not yet known. It is important to follow.

“Vaccines bring a lot of hope and we are in the last halon of the pandemic, but for now we still have to follow a little more guidance, with or without vaccination.”

The government feels that mass vaccination reduces the risk of Covid-19 infection.

A spokeswoman said: “The vaccine does not cause COVID-19 infection, and the complete course reduces the chance of getting a serious illness.

“I’m still not sure if that will prevent you from catching and infecting the virus, but I hope it reduces this risk.”

Do I still have to comply with blockade rules when vaccinated?

Dorset Echo: Photo: PAPhoto: PA

Even if you receive the coronavirus vaccine once or twice, you must follow the blockade measures.

This includes practicing social distance, wearing a face cover, and washing your hands thoroughly.

According to Professor Vantam mentioned above, there is a risk that the coronavirus can infect others, despite having both vaccines.

Health Minister Matt Hancock urged those vaccinated on Thursday, January 21, to comply with blockade rules and social distance measurements to protect themselves as well as others.

He states: “You can still catch the coronavirus for a few weeks after being vaccinated. It is very important that people know this.

“When people are vaccinated, they are essentially told about the time it takes and the limits of effectiveness, especially in its early days, and very clearly state that you still have to follow the rules. I will.

“This is an important part of this, especially until we can measure the effectiveness of vaccination programs against infections.

“In fact, only yesterday I saw the communication that reached people when they were vaccinated. They are very clear and robust.

“It is important that all post-vaccinated people continue to follow these rules, both to reduce the number of cases due to their effects on the infection and to protect themselves.

“Vaccines are a solution, but they don’t work right away and people still need to be careful.”

Therefore, a group of all vaccinated people, that is, two vaccinations, can reversely spread the coronavirus in the home or elsewhere, so it is not possible to meet and contact them together. can not.

Can fully vaccinated people be visited indoors when the blockade is lifted?

Yes, it is permitted to provide home mixing indoors.

However, many medical scientists warn that precautions must be taken. A small number of vulnerable people can develop coronavirus symptoms despite being vaccinated.

There is still a risk of infection until enough people are vaccinated.

Can a vaccinated person hug or touch someone outside the family? For example, is your grandmother hugging her grandchildren?

Unfortunately, not yet.

Even if you have both doses that provide protection against the coronavirus, you must follow the rules of blockade and social distance.

Currently, there is still a risk of coronavirus transmission among people, and mass vaccination of the population alone will help reduce the risk of infection.

If I catch Covid-19, is it helpful to get a single coronavirus vaccine?

Dorset Echo: Photo: PAPhoto: PA

The Covid-19 vaccine has been shown to reduce the likelihood of serious suffering from the coronavirus.

The government’s current goal is to provide the first dose to as many people as possible. As a result, more people will receive at least some protection from Covid-19, rather than a few with stronger protection.

There has been much debate and criticism following the government’s recent decision to extend the gap between the first and second doses of the vaccine to 12 weeks.

Studies have shown that there are different levels of resistance to coronavirus after the first dose, depending on the vaccine that people receive. The BBC shares a useful article explaining this through this link.

According to the UK Public Health Service, the first dose provides protection against the virus and the second dose further enhances it.

Some people claim that one jab can cause a faster recovery time from a coronavirus infection.

Tina Coquette, who lives in Weymouth, said her father had caught the coronavirus after receiving the first dose and said she had recovered from the virus faster than other infected families.

She states: “If my dad didn’t have the first jab, I would like him to get the coronavirus vaccine.

“He had his first jab before Christmas and healed faster than anyone else who caught it.”

Do vaccinated people receive a “vaccine passport”?

Dorset Echo: West Dorset residents waiting after receiving the first Covid-19 jabWest Dorset residents waiting after receiving the first Covid-19 jab

Currently, vaccinated people receive a record card and the vaccination is recorded in the medical record.

Theoretically, there was talk of a “vaccine passport” that could prove that people had received the vaccine and allow them to perform certain activities.

The Global Tourism Crisis Commission believes that such passports must become an essential travel document for the resumption of the international tourism and aviation industry.

The head of the UK’s Data Privacy Watchdog told MP on Tuesday, January 26, that he could see the benefits of the Covid-19 immune passport, but warned of privacy concerns.

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has been specially designed to give vaccinated people more freedom to move from members of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) on online harm and disinformation. I was asked about the possibility of using my passport.

She said such plans face considerable doubts about their need and concerns about sharing health data, but those who have been vaccinated have more freedom than those who have not. Warned about creating a “two-tier system”.

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