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Mobile Clinic Fights COVID-19 to Support Vaccine Initiatives in Utah

Mobile Clinic Fights COVID-19 to Support Vaccine Initiatives in Utah


Salt Lake City — Salt Lake County officials announced two new “Mobile Health Centers” on Wednesday. ..

“I’m going out and going to those in need,” Mayor Jenny Wilson of Salt Lake County said at a news conference to showcase the vans purchased from the Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund. “The most important thing in our community right now is vaccines. We strive to get as many vaccines as possible every day.”

The need continues to grow as the Utah Department of Health reported 2,009 new COVID-19 cases and seven more deaths on Wednesday.

Karen Crompton, director of the county’s Human Services Division, said the outbreak of the coronavirus “disproportionately affected a diverse and poorly serviced community,” but the new unit “has them.” Allows you to meet people at the place. “

According to Crompton, the county has already vaccinated about 1,000 old Utines identified in programs such as Meals on Wheel.

Mobility means that county health workers can reach more residents of the Salt Lake area by vaccination, but the mayor says, especially where language and other issues can be a barrier. Governor Spencer Cox’s presidential order on who can be vaccinated remains.

So far, it is intended for healthcare professionals, first aid personnel, first-time responders, care facility residents and staff, teachers and school staff, and people over the age of 70. According to the Utah Department of Health, 12,811 vaccinations have been given since Tuesday, for a total of 250,448 vaccinations to date.

“The point here is that we want to vaccinate everyone at the right time,” Wilson said, and it would be easier and more efficient if we could get to the designated vaccination site. I added that. “But we realize that it doesn’t apply to everyone. Therefore, these mobile units fill the gap.”

The mayor may include young homeless people and county residents with underlying medical conditions that make it difficult to reach the vaccination site as these groups are added to the governor’s list as vaccination increases. He said it was highly sexual.

The state was told by President Joe Biden on Tuesday to expect weekly vaccine allocations to increase by about 16% from about 8.6 million to about 10 million. Biden also announced plans to purchase another 200 million shipments in the coming months, increasing supply from about 50% to about 600 million by the summer.

This is good news for Salt Lake County. In Salt Lake County, all vaccination reservations available until February were booked immediately after the old Utahn slot was vacated. According to Wilson, the county is already on the waiting list. This process may be sped up as more doses become available.

According to county health director Gary Edwards, more than 90,000 county residents have been vaccinated since the end of December, including just over 38,000 who received direct doses from the county. ..

Since the pandemic began in March last year, there have been 340,684 positive COVID-19 cases in the state, and less than 2 million people, including 10,156 since Tuesday, have been tested for viruses in the state, the Ministry of Health said. It was. The 7-day rolling average of positive tests is 1,758 per day, and the percentage of positive laboratory tests is 18.44%.

Currently, 452 people are hospitalized with COVID-19, bringing the total number of hospitalizations in the state to 13,217.

Utah’s death toll is currently 1,620, including seven deaths reported on Tuesday.

• A man in Millard County between the ages of 65 and 84 was hospitalized at the time of his death.

• A Washington County man between the ages of 65 and 84 was hospitalized at the time of his death.

• A man in Utah County between the ages of 45 and 64 who was hospitalized at the time of his death.

• A man in Tooele County over the age of 85 was hospitalized at the time of his death.

• A 65-84 year old Washington County man living in a long-term care facility.

• A woman in Utah County between the ages of 45 and 64 who was hospitalized at the time of her death.

• A Grand County man over the age of 85 was hospitalized at the time of his death.

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