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“Covid Denier” Gary Matthews dies from virus alone the day after a positive test



The “Covid Denier” family said he asked him to wear a face mask before he died alone in the apartment. Claims over 100,000 British.

Artist Gary Matthews, 46, tested positive for Covid-19 and was quarantined when she died at her home in Shrewsbury, Shropshire on January 13.

He was ill for a week and was positive the day before he died.

It’s unclear exactly how the “kind but shy” painter caught the virus, but according to his family, he didn’t wear a mask, didn’t adhere to safety measures, and was a barbaric conspiracy online. I continued to meet my friends even after I fell into the theory.

His Instagram profile created a famous facial portrait from movies and music like Roger Moore, after he was a talented portrait painter and attended an art painting course at the University of Wolverhampton. It shows that.

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Gary Matthews was passionate about painting

/ Instagram )

In the profile of the local art group, he said: “I’ve been an avid drawer since I was young. Drawing for me from an early stage was as much a way of telling a story as writing.

“I’m attracted to the images of paintings and photographs that capture the moment. It uses lighting and color to convey mood and mood.”

His Twitter profile shows how he regularly shared anti-blockade messages, calling Professor Chris Whitti “Dr. Death” for proposing stricter Christmas rules.

In his final retweet, talk radio Julia Hartley Brewer wants a “real-life check” that most people in the UK don’t know who died of the virus, and Mark Doran wears a face mask. For example, I returned to the same station after cutting it. Live stream.

Just a few weeks before his death, he liked a post from David Kurten, Congressman of the Brexit Alliance London Assembly. “Show your face, meet your friends, hug others, go wherever you like, and don’t obey the tyrant #FightBackBetter.”

Matthews’ cousin Tristan Copeland said he begged him to wear a mask to maintain social distance. “But he and his friends had the idea that they had to go out and meet people to show that they didn’t believe in the government.

Copeland calls his cousin an “excellent artist” Shropshire Star: “He didn’t deserve it. Nobody … He was still a beloved member of the family and he hadn’t changed as a person.”

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((( Facebook )

“It was a pain for my family. We are still taking it all in. They were all very close. He was talking to his family every other day. He had an older sister and a niece. I had a nephew. “

His mother posted a short compliment. “My beautiful son will one day walk along the river with us no matter what people say or do. As a family, we will love you forever.”

Peter Roscoe used his friend’s profile to attack those who spread Covid’s plot in honor of Gary, who was door-to-door selling socialist workers at the age of 19.

“A great artist, photographer and kind person. He wanted a better world,” Roscoe wrote.

“Recently, he seems convinced that Covid is part of some sort of hoax or global conspiracy, and people who want others to share are using his page. It feels terrible to see. That view of the world.

“Gary chose to ignore Covid’s precautions. Now he’s dead.

“In my view, thank you for challenging those who use his site as a platform for ruthless, dangerous and cruel thoughts about what being human is. Gary is not like that. There was no.”

His family has revealed that his funeral will take place on February 9th with a limited number of attendees. They asked the mourners to respect their privacy and make them mourn peacefully during this difficult time.

“Please be careful when posting comments online,” he added.

He writes: “Harmful propaganda is already endangering lives. People in our city, including the most vulnerable, are refusing to get vaccinated.

“Through this pandemic, Londoners have been extraordinarily responsive, at incredible sacrifices and helping the most vulnerable. Becoming an effective vaccine ally wins the battle. Another obligation we have to take in order to save the lives of thousands, protect the NHS, and rebuild the city. “


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