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BLM, other groups demand more COVID-19 protection at Iowa Prison

BLM, other groups demand more COVID-19 protection at Iowa Prison


The Des Moines Black Liberation Movement and other local groups are calling on Iowa to do more to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa prisons. According to the Iowa Correctional Bureau, 15 Iowa prisoners have died from COVID-19 since the pandemic began. DesMoinesBLM hosted a news conference announced Thursday, along with groups such as Central Iowa Democratic Socialists and Appearing for Racial Justice. List of Requests to Government Agencies, including the Iowa Correctional Bureau The organizers reported that Iowa prisons were in poor safety, including poor screening of COVID-19 and non-compliance with mask requirements. Stated. Inadequate prison health care reports. The group is also concerned about reports that nearly half of prison staff refused the vaccine. “When people aren’t obliged not to vaccinate themselves in a crowded group of people, you’re intentionally creating an environment where the disease spreads,” said Matè Muhammad, organizer of Death Moines BLM. He said he did not name the particular facility from which the report was based because of fears of retaliation. Confinement, termination of immigration, increased staff testing, improved physical and mental health of imprisoned people. The organizers also said they wanted to minimize arrests and maximize release. “The Parole Commission must release people to reduce the prison / prison population sufficient to enable social distance and safety protocols,” the group’s request said. “It’s not enough, whether they’ve already liberated people,” said Suganuma, a democratic socialist in Central Iowa. “If it’s still overcrowded, that’s clearly a problem,” Iowa Correctional Bureau spokesman Code Overton issued in response to the group’s request: “We are certainly grateful for the opinions of groups like Des Moines BLM and the Central Iowa Democratic Party. As socialists and constantly working to improve as agents, we mitigate COVID-19 in prison. We respect and disagree with the characteristics of our efforts for. Our department staff have done everything reasonably possible to mitigate the impact of this pandemic on our employees. We believe that their efforts are responsible for the ministry’s mortality rate of about .3%, while the mortality rate is about 1.67%, but the pandemic is serious psychological and Hope there is a physical sacrifice for both employees and prisoners and a light at the end of the tunnel. If the organization wants to help o Our efforts to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic Call on them to consider directing their efforts to helping them prevent crimes in their communities and thereby reduce the intake of new prisoners into the prison system. They also seek prisons. We can help our community by working to make a successful transition to the community of those released from, thus lowering repeat mortality and keeping the prison population at a low level of nearly 20 years. Overton is educating staff about the COVID-19 vaccine and expects adoption rates to increase over time.

The Des Moines Black Liberation Movement and other local groups are calling on Iowa to do more to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa prisons.

15 Iowa prisoners According to the Iowa Correctional Bureau, he has died of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

Des Moines BLM held a press conference on Thursday with groups such as the American Central Iowa Democratic Socialists and Appearing for Racial Justice, List of requests For government agencies, including the Iowa Correctional Bureau.

Organizers said they received reports of poor safety at Iowa Prison, including staff being poorly screened for COVID-19 and not complying with mask requirements.

They also said they had received reports of inadequate prison medical care.The group also has concerns Report Almost half of prison staff refused the vaccine.

“When people in a crowded group do not require themselves not to be vaccinated, you are deliberately creating an environment where the disease spreads,” said Des Moines BLM organizer Matem Hammad. It was.

The group did not name the particular facility from which the report came from, for fear of retaliation.

Organizers stated that their ultimate goal was to abolish prisons, but their demands were, among other things, mandatory masks, termination of cell detention, termination of migrant detention, and increased inspection of staff. Included better physical and mental health care for those imprisoned.

The organizers also said they wanted to minimize arrests and maximize release.

“The Parole Commission must release people to reduce the prison / prison population sufficient to enable social distance and safety protocols,” the group’s request said.

“It’s not enough, whether they have already liberated people,” said Jade Suganuma, the organizer of the Democratic Socialists of Central Iowa in the United States. “If it’s still overpopulated, that’s clearly a problem.”

Code Overton, a spokesman for the Iowa Corrections Bureau, issued the following statement in response to the group’s request:

“We certainly appreciate the opinions of groups like Des Moines BLM and Central Iowa Democratic Socialists and are constantly working to improve as an institution, but respect the characteristics of efforts to mitigate COVID-19 in prison. Express and disagree. Staff Our department has done everything reasonably possible to mitigate the impact of this pandemic on employees and imprisoned people. Thanks to that, we believe that the sector mortality rate is about 0.3%, compared to about 0.3% nationwide. 1.67%. However, the pandemic is great for both employees and prisoners, both mentally and physically. It is undeniable that it caused the damage, and I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

If your organization wants to help mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic, consider directing efforts to help prevent crime in your community and reducing the acceptance of new prisoners into the prison system. They can also help our community by working to make a successful transition of those released from prison to the community. Therefore, it helps reduce recidivism rates and keep prison populations low for nearly 20 years. ”

According to Overton, the agency is educating staff on the COVID-19 vaccine and expects adoption to increase over time.


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