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Recent data show that new British variants may alter signs of COVID-19 infection

Recent data show that new British variants may alter signs of COVID-19 infection


According to recent data from the Office for National Statistics, commonly reported symptoms of new variants found in the UK include cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and tiredness.

ONS also reported that a small number of people tested positive for the new COVID-19 variant, experiencing odor and taste loss.

by HuffPost, Analysis shows a swab test performed from November 15, 2020 to January 16, 2021. At this time, London and Southeast England have the highest percentages of positive results associated with the new variant.

When the COVID-19 test is performed, swabs are tested for three genes present in the coronavirus, including N protein, S protein, and ORF1ab.

TheĀ· We He added that the lack of the S gene in these tests appeared to be a “reliable indicator of the new UK variant.”

Read again: Moderna plans to begin testing the COVID-19 vaccine in children

Science Times-Recent data show that new British variants may alter signs of COVID-19 infection

(Photo: Anastasia Gepp on AIX)
The UK Covid Symptom Study app has verified that symptoms such as headache malaise, persistent cough, sore throat, and loss of smell are currently the most predominant symptoms of the new UK variant.

People with British variants asked about their symptoms

People with a positive test reported the symptoms they had. Analysis showed that test loss and odor were substantially less common with new variant-compatible positive results.

However, other symptoms are usually associated with this subspecies, with the greatest differences between the known symptoms mentioned above, with a slight increase in fever and headache.

No evidence of difference was found regarding the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, illness, shortness of breath and abdominal pain.

Lawrence Young, a virologist at the University of Warwick and a professor of molecular oncology, said the mutation was British virus strain It can affect the symptoms associated with the infection.

Virologists explain that the variant is “highly infectious and infected individuals appear to be heavily loaded with the virus.” That is, it produces more viruses.

This can lead to more widespread transmission in the body, Young adds, perhaps “explaining more coughing, muscle aches, and malaise.”

23 Detected new UK variant changes

This virus contains 23 changes compared to the virus first detected in Wuhan, China.

Some of these changes in different parts of the virus can affect the body’s immune response and can also affect the range of symptoms associated with infection.

According to Professor Richard Tedder, a senior researcher at Imperial College London, changes in symptoms, especially those of upper respiratory tract infections, colds, and coughs, may also be a reason for improved communication skills.

For example, Tedder said, “If the amount of coughing or sneezing is increased in connection with a particular variant virus,” the two activities mentioned above will significantly increase the various amounts that spread to the environment and make them more contagious. Explains. ..

The professor adds that even small changes in symptoms can affect large changes in the likelihood that the virus will be transmitted among people.

Expert advice

In any case, according to experts, the most important function is to cover your face away from others. In this way, the spread of droplets that cause sneezing and coughing when not at home is reduced.

They elaborate that the old saying, “coughing and sneezing spreads the disease,” is now appropriate, as it was many years ago.

Currently people are encouraged to test themselves COVID-19 If you experience one or more of the three symptoms of fever, a new cough, or loss of smell or taste.

Last September, five common COVID-19 symptoms were reported in the UKCovid Symptom Study“The app included” headache, malaise, loss of smell, fever, persistent cough “.

According to Professor Tim Spector, a senior researcher at King’s College London, this was a time when symptoms hadn’t changed significantly since the onset of the pandemic.

Read next: UK may be the first country to approve the COVID-19 vaccine

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 Science Times.


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