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Too early: RCMS student died of COVID complications | COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit

Too early: RCMS student died of COVID complications | COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit


COVID mainly kills older people, but young people in Gila County are also suing.

Elizabeth Victoria English, 12, a student at Rim Country Middle School, died of COVID in December.

Her death was sudden and unexpected — no one even knew she was infected with COVID.

Her mother, Carrie English, round up To share the story of her daughter and make her parents aware of the COVID-19 complications of Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C).

Most children infected with the COVID-19 virus have mild symptoms, but MIS-C is a serious condition that appears to be associated with COVID-19.

English parents were unaware that she had been infected with COVID-19 after she died until the antibody test performed by the Phoenix Children’s Hospital returned positive. She actually had the coronavirus, but was asymptomatic. The rest of the British family tested negative for COVID-19.

With MIS-C, some organs and tissues, such as the heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, brain, skin, and eyes, become severely inflamed.

MIS-C is considered a syndrome (a group of signs and symptoms, not illness) because much is unknown, including its causes and risk factors.

Carrie said her daughter was first ill on Friday, December 4th.

“Elizabeth said she was feeling sick, so I sent her home from school. I thought I had the flu because I didn’t want to eat anything because of a low-grade fever. She said she had a stomachache. Weekend Things went on and I kept trying “mom’s cure” at home, but nothing worked. “

Carrie said she didn’t know when her daughter was infected with COVID-19, but later learned that MIS-C symptoms began a few weeks after someone was infected with the virus.

When Elizabeth didn’t improve throughout the weekend, they took her to emergency treatment on Monday, December 7.

“The doctor there said the heart rate was high, probably due to dehydration. They did a COVID test and said they would take her to the ER if things got worse, we I sent him home, “Carry said.

Within the next two hours, Elizabeth’s temperature continued to rise. It didn’t go down and she started to vomit. At that point, her parents took her to the ER at Banner Payson Medical Center. She was given a chest x-ray. The staff tried a spinal puncture but couldn’t get it. The staff ordered a blood test and performed another COVID test. She was also given something to lower her fluids and her fever, but at a temperature of 105, Banner sent Elizabeth by ambulance to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

At the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, she was admitted to the ICU and her doctor ordered yet another COVID test.

All tests have returned to negative.

Carrie said she wanted to ask her doctor to test for antibodies, but she didn’t think her daughter was already infected with the virus.

Phoenix Children’s staff started Elizabeth with IVs, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and other treatments, but nothing helped her with high heart rate, high fever, and low blood pressure.

“At this point the doctors were looking for an answer — Rocky Mountain spotted fever, toxic shock, MIS-C. They didn’t know, but all the tests they performed were rare, so they got the results and officially They told us that it would take a few days to make a good diagnosis. Unfortunately, we didn’t have that much time.

“My husband and I sat on her bedside and spent as much comfort as we could. Elizabeth was very excited, hungry, thirsty and unable to breathe. Can’t do anything. So it was a pain as a parent. Finally, the doctor decided to intubate her because she could no longer control her breathing, and that was when it was all very wrong. The small body was so tired that all the organs were so inflamed that they couldn’t handle the intubation and fell into cardiac arrest. Despite trying for over an hour and a half, they brought her back. I’ve read a lot of stories about parents dealing with MIS-C with their children in the hospital after her death, and many are pulling out. I wish I could have the same story. I think the doctors didn’t have the necessary knowledge to fight this. They didn’t even start her with IVIG (Treatment for MIS-C) until an hour before her death. That’s why awareness is so important. I don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. I just want to make sure everyone has this knowledge and is informed.

“If I knew the MIS-C indicators, I would take the baby sooner, the doctor would be more aware of the treatment, and maybe she would be with us today as well.

“The surest signs and symptoms you should know are random red rash, red hyperemia, abdominal pain (on the navel), fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. If any of these symptoms are present, immediately You need to take your child to the ER and ask them to consider MIS-C, “Carrie said.

It all happened quickly. Elizabeth first complained on Friday, December 4th that she felt sick. She died on Monday, December 7th at 3:05 am.

Carrie suspects that her daughter was infected with COVID-19 at school.

“I’m a hard-working mother, but if I take her to the hospital sooner, she might still be with us,” Carrie said.

She recovered and emphasized that parents should pay attention if the child develops a rash. This is often the first sign of MIS-C. Other classic signs are headache, neck pain, fever, and abdominal pain.

MIS-C is rare and most children who have it will eventually get better in medical care. However, some children are rapidly deteriorating and their lives are at stake.

Rarely, some adults develop symptoms and symptoms similar to MIS-C. This new and serious syndrome, called multiple organ inflammatory syndrome (MIS-A) in adults, occurs in adults who have previously been infected with the COVID-19 virus and many are unaware of it. MIS-A appears to occur weeks after COVID-19 infection, but some are currently infected. If MIS-A is suspected, a COVID-19 diagnosis or antibody test can help identify current or past viral infections and help diagnose MIS-A.

So far, 30 COVID-19s have died in Gila County in January, 24 of whom have died in the Payson area. According to the latest information from the county’s Department of Health on January 5, the county had 148 deaths from the virus, 103 non-tribal residents, and 45 tribes. A January 22 report confirmed that 178 people died in Gila County, 125 were non-tribal residents and 53 were members of the tribal community.

The 12 most dead were confirmed in a January 5 report from the county health department. Seven were in Payson and five were in the Globe area. A January 15 report confirmed all five deaths in the Payson area, four in Payson and one in Strawberry. According to a report on January 22, six people were confirmed, all dead in the Payson area, five were Payson and one was Strawberry.


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