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Do you want to return to normal? El Paso County Public Health Department Introduces Release Phase


El Paso County—one of the most pressing questions during the pandemic. When, how, and how will Colorado return to its normal sense both personally and financially?

Like national leaders, El Paso County health authorities are now considering the release phase. Some restrictions may change if the home order is canceled by the Governor of Police on April 26.

Currently in Phase I. Now that you have flattened the curve, you need to continue the course, according to health officials. However, there are plans to gradually return to normal. The important thing to remember-this is just a framework, not a timeline.

“From a public health perspective, I feel I’ve been in a good place for the first time since the battle started,” said Dr. Leon Kelly, deputy director of public health at El Paso County.

According to Kelly, the coronavirus is still a difficult road ahead.

“But I think we are now in a place where we can discuss our next destination.”

The first is contact tracking, which states that when the restrictions are lifted, Kelly will be our greatest weapon to prevent further spread.

If a person is found to have COVID-19, Kelly said, “We will contact the individual. Find out who the person contacted. Next, Contact each one and find out if they are symptomatic or non-syndromic. “

If Symptoms-Tested and quarantined. Non-syndromic-they are quarantined for 14 days.

“The way we do this is to build capacity in the public health sector and train enough people to continue this,” Kelly said.

Testing is a big component.

“We work to organize the tests available every day and the places people can go.”

All of these are part of Phase I, including social distance. Phase II involves resuming specific locations. The action is to initiate a normal step-by-step reinstatement for most activities, but nevertheless there is no large crowd and it reduces social distance.

“So far, so far, most of the time, we’ve pioneered these important businesses from schools and the youth who are the least risky youth,” Kelly said.

Phase III focuses on establishing protection and lifting all restrictions.

“The reality of Phase III is that you need one of the two. You need an effective cure. That is, you have drugs or medications you can use to prevent infection.”

Or, as Kelly says, something that treats it. Another option is to have a vaccine. All of these are still in clinical trials, but when they became available, “the action was obviously to deploy these medical interventions, which would result in a global rollout, and we would normally You can go back to. ” Kelly.

For Phase IV, the goal is to prepare for the next pandemic.

“We anticipate what’s going to happen, monitor them, and make tests available when they come out, so we can generate and design vaccines and treatments at a much faster pace,” Kelly said. Told.

Another project currently underway is a public health data dashboard that allows people to track coronavirus cases and deaths worldwide. It is said to be released in the next few days.

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