Increasing numbers of babies with head injuries and fractures during COVID-19 blockade in hospitals
![Increasing numbers of babies with head injuries and fractures during COVID-19 blockade in hospitals Increasing numbers of babies with head injuries and fractures during COVID-19 blockade in hospitals](!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)
More and more babies are being brought to hospitals with severe head injuries and fractures in recent months, according to figures compiled by the Toronto-East Ontario Children’s Hospital (CHEO). This is a disturbing trend that doctors believe is related to the challenges faced by parents and caregivers. No additional support during lockdown.
Since September, hospitals have confirmed that more than twice as many babies have arrived with serious injuries, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has hit the most vulnerable members of society and the families who care for them. I confirmed that.
“I actually saw the number of children doubled compared to the previous year … Babies under the age of 1 suffered the type of injury that they couldn’t really cause themselves. “Masu,” said Dr. Michel Ward, a pediatrician and head. CHEO’s department for the protection of children and adolescents.
These include fractures, bleeding around the brain, bleeding behind the eyes, or damage to the brain itself. Older children often explain how they were injured and tell adults if there is a problem with their home, but abuse of babies can result in serious injuries and even death. It will only be revealed if you do.
This figure encouraged CHEO, the Ottawa Children’s Aid Association, and the Ottawa Public Health to work together to raise awareness about this issue and remind caregivers to be calm. Part of the group’s message is to inform struggling parents and caregivers that it is normal to be overwhelmed and that seeking help is a very important part of good parenting.
“The reason and purpose of this media release is about not having children, adolescents, and families alone, having support, and reaching out and asking for help if you are in pain if you are struggling. There was no embarrassment or embarrassment to reach out, “said Kelly Raymond, Executive Director of the Ottawa Children’s Aid Association.
Lifelong results
According to Ward, hospitals see up to 2-3 cases per week, in stark contrast to pre-pandemic cases. During the six months from autumn to winter last year, a total of eight such seriously injured babies were brought in. This year they have already seen 20.
She is the first to see many cases at once in 16 years at CHEO. “Usually there are only a handful of years, so this is really a departure,” she said.
“It really worries me. These are serious injuries that can have lifelong consequences.”
Due to Ward’s concerns, she began contacting colleagues elsewhere in Alberta and Ontario. She says they have reported similar trends and are collecting data on this issue. In particular, places with more restrictions were places that seemed to see this particular trend.
“Several colleagues in places where the same kind of restrictions weren’t seen, such as Primorsky Krai, haven’t seen this much,” Ward said.
This year’s evidence from around the world is already about domestic violence and abuse, as vulnerable victims are often trapped in their homes under stressful conditions such as homeschooling, working from home, unemployment and financial difficulties. Shows an increase.
In Canada, reports of child abuse and neglect have declined overall, Ward said. This is mainly due to the fact that the school has not introduced children this year due to the closure.
According to Raymond, the agency has also seen a slight increase in the number of children and adolescents exposed to violence by intimate partners, where children and adolescents are involved in domestic violence and emotional harm between parents. I am witnessing.
It takes a village: what can parents do?
Parents were previously able to contact friends and family and get together with other parents when overwhelmed, but this was not the case during this pandemic. Parenting requires a village, but a pandemic may seem like the village is gone, Ward said.
“Parents wrestling with their babies probably feel very isolated and lonely and don’t seem to support them. And again, this message is really to tell those parents, you alone No, there is help … even our best are struggling, “Raymond said.
“During this period, everyone expects to homeschool their children and adolescents, navigate and work with a variety of technologies, and continue to occupy their children and adolescents for extended periods of time while their parents themselves have to go to work. I didn’t expect it. Keep their work going. “
There are things parents can do before the worst happens, says Ward. When you’re calm and not overwhelmed, plan what to do when you feel you’re reaching your limits. This includes handing over the baby to another person, letting the baby lie down safely, taking a walk in the house, or taking a shower. Give yourself permission to do what you need to do when the situation gets tougher. She says, including asking the community for help as needed.
“People are being asked to stay home for good reason, but anyone who has had a baby knows how difficult the first few months can be,” Ward said. He said that these traumas, usually even great parents, can occur in just a few seconds of frustration.
“So it’s a really big burden for these parents to take care of a very isolated and very young baby … when you don’t have any more reserves and your coping mechanism fails. That’s when this kind of thing happens. “
If you are concerned about your child’s safety or well-being, or if you are a caregiver who needs help keeping your child safe, the following resources are available:
Canada Women’s Health Network: Family Support Services for Pregnancy Distress
Ottawa Children’s Aid Association: 613-747-7800
Ottawa Public Health: Resources and Services for Parents
Alberta Health Services: Helping in difficult times
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