COVID-19 vaccinated individuals detail their emotional responseExBulletin
As of Thursday, millions of people have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, according to federal health officials. Some recipients tell NPR about the feelings they felt when they took the shot.
Audi Cornish, Host:
The deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine has been confusing, to say the least, and we have covered a lot of the problems. I haven’t heard much about what it means to actually get a vaccine. You may not feel much physical sensation when they thrust a COVID-19 shot into your arm, but many people feel a lot of emotion. And after a year of worry and suffering, they took action that might prevent the virus. Let’s hear some thoughts on what the moment looks like. And start with George Schmidt. George Schmidt, along with his wife Patty, took the first dose in the town of Highlands, North Carolina.
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George Schmidt: Patty and I are in our late 70s, so we had to chase after the healthcare professionals. You enter. And, of course, you will be shot. Next, you need to sit in the bleachers for 15 minutes to prevent your head from exploding or falling. But after that, there was a great deal of relief. But what do I say to you, I have never felt this-well, how can I put it? I’m happy to sleep at night and lose consciousness a little (laughs).
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JENNIFER DANISH: My name is Jennifer Danish. I am the principal of Grace Episcopal Day School in Kensington, Maryland, and I was able to get the vaccine last Saturday. And I felt uneasy even being there. We were mainly in line with people over the age of 75. I am the principal of a school that is taking care of my husband who has cancer this year and is about to open. So when my colleague came out of the vaccination and knew I was about to get inside, I honestly shed tears.
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Darrell Banks: My name is Darrell Banks. I live in the New Orleans area. I am participating in a research study of Moderna. I wasn’t blind today. My first shot turned out to be a placebo. So today they gave me a real vaccine. And to be honest, taking the shot, I wasn’t really thinking about myself. I want to get a vaccine so that I can go see my mother.
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ALLEGRA MCCOMB: My name is Allegra McComb. I am 25 years old I live in Colorado Springs. I volunteer at a local hospital. Volunteers also participated by assigning vaccines to all employees. This was really, really cool. And I am very grateful to have the vaccine. The main feeling I got was a great sense of security. I know that not only are I personally protected, but there is another layer that protects people in the immediate vicinity and can contribute to the herd. Immunity.
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UTIBE ESSIEN: My name is Utibe Essien. I was a primary care physician at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and received two COVID-19 vaccines. And after that first vaccination, I was thinking of hundreds of thousands. At that time, there were about 300,000 people. We go far beyond that-its life has been lost.
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LYNN BARNETT: My name is Lynn Barnett. I live in Delray Beach, Florida. I was vaccinated at 9 o’clock this morning. Besides getting married twice, it was the greatest experience I’ve ever had. It was very nice. They were very kind. They were very efficient. I think the second dose will cause problems. I don’t know if they will get enough vaccines. I want it.
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Cornish: The voice of Lynn Burnett. Vaccinators Utibe Essien, Allegra McComb, Darrell Banks, Jennifer Danish and George Schmidt also contacted us. And until more people are vaccinated, they need to keep wearing masks and stick to social distance practices.
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