The first HIV infection was a soldier infected with the virus while hunting chimpanzees in World War I.
AIDS has killed more than 33 million people, and its causative agent, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has so far proved impossible to find a vaccine.
Drugs to prevent viral infections and pumpkin symptoms are now readily available in many countries, but in 2019 1.7 million people were infected with HIV.
Professor Jack Pepin, Epidemiologist at Sherbrooke University CanadaHas been trying to discover the origin of HIV for decades since serving as GP in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the 1980s.
Previous studies have found that the chimpanzee simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) first infected humans in southeastern Cameroon at the beginning of the 20th century.
The simian immunodeficiency virus is deadly to chimpanzees and is exactly the same as HIV, but the only difference between the two is the host in which the chimpanzee lives.
HIV is an example of zoonotic disease, where pathogens such as Covid-19, bird flu, and cowpox can be transmitted from one species to another.
In the acclaimed first edition of his book, Origin of AIDS, published in 2011, Dr. Pepin said that HIV may have infected a Cameroonian hunter in the early 20th century, and then Leopoldville, known as Kinshasa in Congo. I concluded that it would spread to.
A revised version of this “cut hunter” hypothesis is now open to the public, with the original “zero patient” not a native hunter, but a hungry World War I soldier in a remote forest surrounding him. When he was stuck, he was forced to hunt chimpanzees for food. In 1916 he created the Moloundou- “Cut Soldier” theory in Cameroon.
In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Professor Pepin reveals how colonialism, hunger, and prostitution helped drive the ongoing AIDS epidemic.
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Professor Jack Pepin believes that hungry World War I soldiers were forced to hunt chimpanzees for food when they were stuck in a remote forest around Moloundou in Cameroon in 1916. -“Cut Soldier” theory. Eventually, the soldiers returned all the way to Leopoldville after the war, perhaps starting the first contagious train in Leopoldville itself. From here, the virus spread, eventually being exported to the United States and later spread around the world.
In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Professor Pepin reveals how colonialism, hunger, and prostitution caused an ongoing AIDS pandemic.
“During World War I, Germany had many colonies in Africa, and the Allies decided to invade these colonies, one of which was Cameroon,” Pepin said. Said the professor.
“Cameroon was invaded by a combination of British, Belgian and French soldiers from five directions.”
On one of the invasion routes, 1,600 soldiers walked from Leopoldville up the Congo River and its tributary, the Sanger River, to their final destination in Cameroon.
This road took them to the remote town of Morundu. The location estimated by previous studies was the location of the first HIV infection.
“The soldiers spent three or four months in Morundu before moving forward. When they were there, the main problem was hunger, not bullets from the enemy,” said Professor Pepin.
The normal population of the entire southeastern region of Cameroon in the 1920s was about 4,000 and lived in cassava, other crops and bushmeat.
These people fled when soldiers arrived because of their brutal reputation for slaughtering the town and mercilessly raping women.
As a result, the soldiers quickly ran out of food and relied on supplies sent from the river from Brazzaville and Leopoldville.
However, the river only flows this far, and low-wage locals, the “owners,” have been hired to manually bring food, wine, ammunition, and weapons to Morundu.
HIV infection and prevention
HIV is transmitted or transmitted only by certain activities, most commonly by sexual activity or the use of needles or syringes.
The FDA has approved over 20 antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV infection.
They work differently and are often divided into six groups.
Doctors recommend taking at least two combinations of them or “cocktails”.
Called antiretroviral therapy or ART, HIV cannot be treated, but the drug can extend lifespan and reduce the risk of infection.
1) Nucleoside / Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)
NRTI causes the virus to use a damaged version of the building block, so infected cells cannot increase HIV.
2) Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)
The virus cannot make a copy of itself because NNRTI binds to a particular protein.
3) Protease inhibitor (PI)
These drugs block the proteins that infected cells need to put together a new copy of the virus.
4) Fusion inhibitor
These drugs help prevent HIV from invading healthy cells from the beginning.
5) CCR5 antagonist
This stops HIV before it enters healthy cells, unlike fusion inhibitors. The virus cannot be plugged in because it blocks certain types of “hooks” outside of certain cells.
6) Integrase inhibitor
These prevent HIV from making copies of itself by blocking important proteins that allow the virus to put its DNA into the DNA of healthy cells.
Professor Pepin estimates that daily trekking up to 25 miles carrying a payload of 25 kg (55 lbs) and inadequate nutrition killed half of these souls.
Logistics problems led to mass hunger, and soldiers set foot in the forest in search of edible animals.
“Suddenly, with 1,600 soldiers with rifles and lots of ammunition, the level of hunting in the area has risen dramatically in recent months,” he told MailOnline.
“My hypothesis is that one of the soldiers was infected while hunting in the woods. A chimpanzee was killed, an animal was cut out and brought back, and he was injured and infected with the virus.
“In the end, the soldiers returned all the way to Leopoldville after the war and probably started the first contagious train in Leopoldville itself.”
Professor Pepin believes that when the virus built this foothold in the population, it initially spread slowly and was confined to what was then the capital of the Belgian colony.
He estimates that this one case of zoonosis in 1916 led to about 500 infected people in the early 1950s.
The HIV epidemic at this point was primarily caused by the reuse of dirty needles in hospitals. This is a result of resource depletion and limited disinfection capacity.
In 1960, Congo lifted the bindings of European colonialism and caused an influx of refugees and migrants into cities.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Leopoldville had a population of about 14,000, but now Kinshasa, the name given to Leopoldville in 1966, is home to 14 million people, a 1,000-fold increase in the first century. ..
However, the newly named city proved to be the perfect breeding ground for HIV, as it caused a biased gender division in which 10 men lived per woman.
This led to poverty and prostitution and helped spread the sexually transmitted virus to city dwellers.
“Every year, prostitutes have up to 1,500 customers, which was great for sexually amplifying HIV between these large numbers of sex workers and their clients,” says Professor Pepin.
“That was when sexual communication really accelerated in the 1960s.”
The Leopoldville hub was essential to the global epidemic of HIV, Professor Pepin added, adding that by the 1960s, a small number of cases had been seen in other parts of the former Belgian Congo.
A Haitian technical assistant who came to the country after the country’s independence caught the virus in the area and eventually took it home and spread it to gay men.
“Within a few years it was re-exported to the United States, where it spread among gay men and IV drug users and went from the United States to Western Europe,” says Dr. Pepin.
Dr. Jack Pepin’s book The Origin of AIDS, published by the University of Cambridge Press, is now available for £ 19.99 RRP.
The reason modern medicine means HIV is not the death penalty
Prior to 1996, HIV was sentenced to death.
Later, ART (antiretroviral therapy) was given to control the virus and allow people to live as long as others even if they are infected with HIV.
Drugs have also been invented to reduce the risk of HIV-negative people becoming infected with the virus by 99%.
Recent studies have shown that ART can suppress HIV to the extent that it does not infect sexual partners.
It has spurred a move to downgrade HIV-infected crimes. It leaves the victim with a lifelong and costly drug, but it does not mean a particular death.
Here are more details about new life-saving preventatives:
1. Drugs for people living with HIV
Control the viral load and prevent the virus from being transmitted
In 1996, antiretroviral therapy (ART) was discovered.
The drug, in a triple combination, changed HIV from a fatal diagnosis to a manageable chronic condition.
It suppresses the virus, prevents it from developing AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), and makes the body intolerant of the infection.
Six months after taking daily pills religiously, the virus is undetectably suppressed.
And when a person’s viral load becomes undetectable, HIV cannot infect other people. National Institute of Health..
Currently, public health agencies around the world allow U = U (undetectable and untransmittable).
2. Drugs for people who are HIV negative
It’s 99% effective in preventing HIV
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) became available in 2012.
This pill works like’Include Pill’-Take daily and is 99% more effective in preventing HIV infection (more effective in preventing pregnancy than contraceptives).
It is composed of two drugs (tenofovir proxyl fumarate and emtricitabine). These drugs can immediately attack the traces of HIV that enter a person’s bloodstream before they spread throughout the body.
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