6 types of childbirth, childbirth methods and their advantages
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages of a woman’s life. Born a new life is an emotionally overwhelming yet extraordinary experience. Normal vaginal delivery is a typical method of delivery, but over the years many new techniques have been developed to help during delivery by relieving pain or smoothing the delivery process. Advances in medicine have discovered a variety of ways to ensure delivery even in high-risk pregnancies.
Different types of childbirth and methods of childbirth:
Vaginal delivery: It is the most common and safest type of childbirth. When a baby is born through the birth canal of a woman’s body, delivery is called vaginal delivery or spontaneous delivery. It may or may not be supplemented with pain-relieving medications. In such cases, the exact time of birth cannot be predicted, but most vaginal births tend to occur after 38-40 weeks of gestation.
Benefits of vaginal delivery:
-Infants born through this process tend to have fewer health-related problems
-This will speed up the recovery of the mother and avoid the risks associated with abdominal surgery and the associated caesarean section.
-Vaginal delivery has a low mother infection rate and a short hospital stay
Caesarean section (C section): This method gives birth to a baby by opening the mother’s abdomen and surgically opening the uterus to remove the baby. This procedure is often required in multiple cases, when the baby is in a sideways position, or when there are major obstacles such as uterine fibroids.
Benefits of Caesarean section:
-Reduced vaginal damage
-The bladder stays under control
-No massive bleeding after birth
Forceps delivery: Your doctor may need to use forceps (a large spoon or tong-like device) to pull out your baby’s head and help guide the baby through the birth canal. This is the recommended childbirth option when the mother is exhausted and unable to push the baby out.
Benefits of forceps delivery:
-Delivery can be achieved faster
-Low incidence of fetal scalp injuries
Vacuum extraction: In this technique, the doctor uses suction to apply a plastic cup to the baby’s head and gently pull the baby out of the birth canal.
Advantages of vacuum extraction:
-Baby showing signs of fetal distress (such as abnormal heart rate) can give birth in time
-Help women who are in the second stage of labor for several hours and cannot make any further progress
Birth of water: Water delivery is a natural childbirth technique in which the mother spends the active stages of labor in the birth pool or warm water bath, enabling a more comfortable and unmedicalized delivery process. Warm water helps to relax the mother and helps relieve pain and accelerate labor without the need for anesthesia. Also, the slow transition of the newborn from amniotic fluid in the mother’s womb to water is more gentle for the baby.
Benefits of water birth:
-Women’s pain is greatly reduced
-Warm water helps increase the flow of oxytocin-makes shrinkage more effective
-Women have more freedom to move around during labor and change to a comfortable position and posture
Vaginal delivery after caesarean section (VBAC): Previously, if a woman had a Caesarean section, all subsequent births would be a Caesarean section only. Today, it is possible for a woman to have a successful vaginal delivery, even if she had previously had a Caesarean section with this birthing technique. VBAC is suitable for women who are pregnant with one baby, have a history of one or two low lateral caesarean sections, and have no problems interfering with VBAC.
Benefits of VBAC:
-Low risk of surgical complications
-Low risk of multiple caesarean sections such as placenta previa and placenta accreta
-Reduced hospital stay and recovery time
Each childbirth technique has its strengths and weaknesses. You should always focus on ensuring that your baby gives birth safely and is healthy in the world. It is also essential that the mother stay safe throughout the entire birth process.
— According to Dr. Deepika Aggarwal, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurgaon.
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