IDPH Announces Vaccine Dashboard to Support Iowa
As the Iowa Public Health Service continues to roll out vaccines, the state has released a new COVID-19 vaccination dashboard. The dashboard shows the doses given, the number given to residents of Iowa, the number received the first and second doses, and other details. Providers are required to renew controlled vaccination data within 24 hours under the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement. Click here to view the Iowa Coronavirus Vaccine website. Where to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine: Check the county health department’s website or office for the COVID-19 vaccine. Boone County: Please contact 515-433-8299 to schedule your booking. Click here for more information on how to get vaccinated in Dallas County. Dallas County: Click here to sign up for a vaccine appointment. Click here for more information on vaccinations in Dallas County. Jasper County: Residents can be vaccinated at Newton’s Medicap or Newton Clinic. Click here for vaccinations in Jasper County. Madison County: Madison County health authorities use social media to update residents for vaccine information. Click here for more information. Marion County: County health authorities keep residents informed of the latest vaccine information on social media. Click here for more information on Marion County vaccines. Pork County: Click here to sign up for a vaccine appointment. Click here for more information on vaccinations in Pork County. Story County: Vaccines are provided through the Mary Greeley Medical Center. Click here for Story County vaccines. Warren County: The county’s health authorities keep residents up to date on vaccines through social media. Click here for more information on Warren County vaccines. About the Phase: The state has developed a step-by-step approach to providing vaccines to its population. The following description is provided by the state strategic plan. Phase 1A: “Paid and unpaid people working in medical settings with potential direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious substances. Residents and staff of long-term care facilities.” Phase 1B: “For residential care facilities Residents of Iowa, living support programs, group homes and independent living facilities and people aged 65 and over. Play an important role in maintaining the essential functions of society and keep them socially distant at work. People who cannot be placed … and adults with high-risk medical conditions who have risk factors for severe COVID-19 disease. ”Target diseases include cancer, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. , Immune defense due to solid organ transplantation, obesity, serious heart disease, sickle cell disease, type 2. Diabetes mellitus. Phase 1B has multiple layers. Layer 1: First responders and school staff for early childhood education and nursery teachers. Tier 2: Food, agricultural distribution, and manufacturing workers who work or live in a collective environment that does not allow social distance. Persons with disabilities living at home and their direct care staff. Staff and individuals living in a collective environment. Government officials to ensure the survival of the government. Inspectors in charge of hospitals, long-term care, and child safety. Correctional staff and individuals were imprisoned. Phase 1C: Persons aged 16-64 years with a medical condition that increases the risk of severe COVID-19, and mandatory workers who were not previously included in Phase 1A or 1B. About Vaccines: Pfizer: Pfizer vaccines should be given twice every 21 days. There is a 4-day grace period during which a second dose of the vaccine can be given. Vaccines should be stored frozen at temperatures between -112 and -77 degrees Fahrenheit. Moderna: The Moderna vaccine should be given twice every 28 days. There is a 4-day grace period for the second dose. The Moderna vaccine should be kept at -13 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Post-Vaccination Resources: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a website that reports on individual feelings after vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine. V-Safe helps recipients track the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Click here for more information.
As the Iowa Public Health Service continues to roll out vaccines, the state has released a new COVID-19 vaccination dashboard.
The dashboard shows the number of doses given, the number of doses given to residents of Iowa, the number of first and second doses received, and other details.
Providers are required to renew controlled vaccination data within 24 hours under the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement.
To view the Iowa Coronavirus Vaccine website click here..
Where to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine:
Check the county health department website or office for COVID-19 vaccine.
Boon County: Please contact 515-433-8299 to make an appointment. For more information on how to get vaccinated in Dallas County, click here.
Dallas County: To sign up for a vaccine appointment click here. For more information on vaccinations in Dallas County, click here..
Jasper County: Residents can be vaccinated at Newton’s Medicap or Newton Clinic. For vaccinations in Jasper County, click here..
Madison County: Madison County health authorities use social media to update residents for vaccine information. Click here for more information..
Marion County: County health authorities keep residents informed of the latest vaccine information Their social media.. For more information on Marion County vaccines, click here..
Pork County: To sign up for a vaccine appointment click here.. For more information on vaccinations in Pork County, click here..
Story county: Vaccines are provided through Mary League Lee Medical Center.. For Story County vaccines, click here..
Warren County: County health authorities are updating residents about vaccines Social media.. For more information on Warren County vaccines, click here..
About the phase:
The state has developed a step-by-step approach to providing vaccines to its population. The following description is provided by the state strategic plan.
Phase 1A: “Paid and unpaid people working in the medical setting who may have direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious substances. Residents and staff of long-term care facilities.”
Phase 1B: “Iowa, home to home care facilities, assisted living programs, group homes for the elderly, residents of independent living facilities, and people over the age of 65. Plays an important role in maintaining the essential functions of society and at work. People who cannot be socially separated .. And adults with high-risk medical conditions who have risk factors for severe COVID-19 disease. “
Target diseases include cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency due to solid organ transplantation, obesity, severe heart disease, sickle cell disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Phase 1B has multiple layers.
- Tier 1: First responders and school staff for early childhood education and nursery teachers.
- Tier 2: Food, agricultural distribution, and manufacturing workers who work or live in a collective environment that does not allow social distance. Persons with disabilities living at home and their direct care staff.
- Staff and individuals living in a collective environment. Government officials to ensure the survival of the government.
- Inspectors in charge of hospitals, long-term care, and child safety.
- Correctional staff and individuals were imprisoned.
Phase 1C: Persons aged 16-64 years with medical conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19, and mandatory workers who were not previously included in Phase 1A or 1B.
About vaccines:
Pfizer: Pfizer vaccine should be given twice every 21 days. There is a 4-day grace period during which a second dose of the vaccine can be given. Vaccines should be stored frozen at temperatures between -112 and -77 degrees Fahrenheit.
modern: The Moderna vaccine should be given twice every 28 days. There is a 4-day grace period for the second dose. The Moderna vaccine should be kept at -13 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Post-vaccination resources:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a website that reports on individual feelings after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. V-Safe helps recipients track the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Click here for more information..
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