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Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation added to stroke recovery reveals research

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation added to stroke recovery reveals research


Although regular exercise has many health benefits, a new study shows that stroke survivors who have completed a cardio-rehabilitation program focused on aerobic exercise have the ability to transition from sitting to standing. It was suggested that the ability to walk during the 6-minute walk test was significantly improved.

The study was published today in the American Heart Association’s open access journal, The American Heart Association’s Journal.

Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation is a prevailing structured exercise program in the United States for people with cardiovascular disease that has been shown to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve quality of life. Despite many similar cardiovascular risk factors, stroke is not included in the diagnosis for cardiac rehabilitation.

Physical inactivity is common among stroke survivors, and more than 75% of all U.S. patients who survive a stroke have the amount of exercise recommended by the guidelines (medium 150 minutes per week). Not undergoing intense or 75 minutes of intense physical activity). .. Currently, exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programs are not the standard treatment offered to stroke survivors in the United States.

“We hoped that this study could improve the controllable risk factors for stroke survivors and prevent future strokes and cardiac events,” said lead investigator Dr. Elizabeth W. Regan. (DPT, Ph.D.) states. A physiotherapy program at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina.

“Increasing physical activity is an important way to prevent a stroke, and whether the rehabilitation that a patient receives after surviving a heart attack can have similar positive consequences for a patient who survives a stroke. I wanted to see it, “Regan added.

Researchers have begun a pilot study at a medical center in North Carolina to investigate the benefits of a cardiac rehabilitation program for stroke survivors. In total, 24 participants aged 33 to 81 years who had a stroke 3 to 10 years ago were enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program that included 30 to 51 minutes of aerobic exercise sessions three times a week for three months. It has been registered.

At the start of the program, participants were evaluated for physical function (cardiovascular endurance, functional intensity, walking speed) and other health indicators such as mental health questionnaires and balance tests. In the post-program evaluation, participants repeated these evaluations. With a six-month follow-up, they finally completed the same test and completed a lifestyle and exercise habits questionnaire. In the initial evaluation after the program, researchers found the following compared to the start of the study:

Participants saw an improvement in the distance they could walk during the 6-minute walk test. On average, each participant improved their distance by 203 feet.

Participants improved their ability to move quickly from sitting to standing in five sitting tests. Improvements in this test may correspond to increased leg strength and a reduced risk of falls in people after a stroke.

Research participants improved the metabolic equivalent (MET) level, or the maximum level of energy produced by the average person to perform a particular task, by about 3.6. For example, one metabolic equivalent of a task is defined as the energy required to watch TV, and jogging requires seven. During a six-month follow-up visit, participants maintain and participate in these increases. 83.3% of them were still exercising at least once a week.

“Our most important goal as a healthcare professional is to help stroke survivors reduce as many risk factors as possible to prevent future strokes and cardiovascular disease. These reserves. Based on the findings, we hope that all post-stroke patients will be considered for cardiac rehabilitation, just as they would for post-stroke patients, “Regan said.

“We need to focus on exercise as a medicine. Exercise is healthy and important for all individuals, regardless of physical restrictions or age. Hopefully, increased physical activity is post-stroke. It will be one of the first steps to improve your overall health. “Regan added.

This study included a small patient sample and was a single-center pilot study of a multicenter healthcare system. Therefore, larger studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results.

(Only the headlines and photos in this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff. The rest of the content is automatically generated from the syndicate feed.)


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