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Search for COVID-19 vaccines is hot in China and the US


Search for COVID-19 vaccines is hot in China and the US

Photograph of this March 16, 2020 file shows the first day of a Phase 1 safety trial clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, by a pharmacist at Kaiser Permanente. Shows vials used to prepare syringes for use at the Washington Health Institute in Seattle. In early April 2020, the World Health Organization counted more than 5 dozen vaccine candidates tracked around the world. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren)

The three potential COVID-19 vaccines are making rapid progress in early-stage trials of Chinese and US volunteers, but there is still a long way to go if they really work.

China’s Can Sino Biologics has begun the second phase of testing vaccine candidates, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology said on Tuesday.

Shots by the National Institutes of Health and Modana are not far behind in the United States. The person who first received the vaccine last month gave a second dose to a clinic in Seattle on Tuesday.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH infection, told The Associated Press that “there’s no danger signal so far,” and hoped that the next larger testing phase would begin around June.

The third candidate of Inobi Offer Mathewicals began giving an shot of its first safety test in the US last week and hopes to extend its research to China.

The first test focuses on safety, with researchers in both countries trying different doses of different types of shots.

But moving to the second phase is an important step in which more people can test the vaccine and look for signs of protection from infection.

Last week, CanSino submitted a report aimed at enrolling 500 people in the next study, comparing two doses of the vaccine with a dummy shot. As of Monday, 273 volunteers had been injected, state media said.

Search for COVID-19 vaccines is hot in China and the US

Jennifer Haller, the first patient to be vaccinated in a Phase I safety trial clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, is before Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research A portrait is raised at the Institute that receives a second dose of vaccine in Seattle on Tuesday April 14, 2020. The three potential COVID-19 vaccines are making rapid progress in early-stage trials of Chinese and US volunteers, but there is still a long way to go if they really work. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren)

Looking forward, if the new coronavirus spreads well in the summer and fall, it may be possible to finish large-scale studies a little faster than the originally predicted 12-18 months. . Next season. “

“Let me say this warning: It assumes that it works. If it’s a big” if, “look at it,” Foech emphasized. “It has to be effective and it has to be safe.”

At a press conference in China, authorities warned that the investigation must be done properly.

“We are in an emergency, but we cannot lower the safety and efficacy criteria in a vaccine review,” said Wang Junzhi, a Chinese biopharmaceutical expert. “People are paying a lot of attention.”

This week, the World Health Organization counted more than 5 dozen vaccine candidates worldwide in the early stages of development. Many research groups work together to speed up the work. In Tuesday’s announcement, vaccine giants Sanofi and GSK have become the newest candidate partners.

Search for COVID-19 vaccines is hot in China and the US

Jennifer Haller, the first patient to be vaccinated in a Phase I safety trial clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, is before Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research A portrait is raised at the Institute that receives a second dose of vaccine in Seattle on Tuesday April 14, 2020. The three potential COVID-19 vaccines are making rapid progress in early-stage trials of Chinese and US volunteers, but there is still a long way to go if they really work. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren)

On the WHO list there are different ways to make a vaccine. So I think if one approach doesn’t work, another will work.

CanSino’s vaccine is based on genetically engineered shots designed to protect against Ebola. Leading US candidates use another approach made from a partial copy of the coronavirus genetic code.

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Search for COVID-19 vaccines gets hot in the US and China (2020, April 14,)
Acquired on April 15, 2020

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