Possible side effects of Pfizer Covid vaccine
Side effects are expected when the vaccine is given to the majority of the population, what is normal and when should we seek further medical advice?
Vaccination against COVID-19 It’s the easiest way for Australians to get back to normal life, but millions of people are hesitant to get a jab.
Our best shot Is a campaign that answers questions about the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Uncover myths about vaccines, answer jab concerns, and let us know when you can get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The most commonly reported side effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are injection site pain, malaise, headache, myalgia, chills, arthralgia, and fever.
One interesting fact to remember is that more people experience these side effects after the second dose than after the first dose.
Relation: PM message to all Australians
Please give us your opinion: Do you get vaccinated?
Relation: Rollout mechanism
Therefore, it is important to know that side effects can occur after either dose, but Pfizer states that it is more likely to occur after a second jab.
In the United States Frank McGeorge of Local 4 News recorded a video diary of his experience on the second dose. And while it is “better than COVID,” he said people should be prepared.
“My experience with the first dose of Pfizer vaccine was pretty much what I expected,” said Dr. McGeorge.
“It was the worst I’ve ever experienced from any other shot, but it was mostly pain in the arm I was injected with.
“My second shot was a different story.
“I want to be clear. I’m talking about this, so I have an idea of what could happen after the second shot and I’m ready,” he said.
“Make sure you’re planning a bright day. I’ve talked to many colleagues who also took the second dose, but at least one-third had serious side effects.”
Currently, millions of people in the UK are vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, and the government hopes to vaccinate 14 million citizens by mid-February.
They use the same Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that Australia deploys in the first phase of the program.
It is administered to the muscle in two dose series, ideally at 3-week intervals.
For many, that’s fine. However, caution should be exercised for those who have a history of allergic reactions to the vaccine.
What to do before vaccination
According to Pfizer, all medical conditions need to be communicated to vaccination providers, including:
• Allergic
• I have a fever
• Have a bleeding disorder or are using anticoagulants
• Immune deficiency or taking medications that affect the immune system
• Pregnant or expected to become pregnant
• Are you breastfeeding
• Received another COVID-19 vaccine
In Australia No plans to include pregnant women or children With the deployment of the vaccine until further testing is done.
Who should not get the Pfizer-BIONTECH COVID-19 vaccine?
Do not vaccinate with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine if:
• There was a severe allergic reaction after the last dose of this vaccine
• I had a severe allergic reaction to any of the components of this vaccine.
Experts do not know why rare and severe allergic reactions occur, but believe that polyethylene glycol may be the cause.
This is a compound found in these vaccines and other drugs.
In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that vaccination should not be given if you are allergic to polyethylene glycol.
What about severe allergic reactions?
In rare cases, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to cause a severe allergic reaction, according to experts.
This usually occurs within minutes to an hour of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Like many other vaccines, this is one of the reasons why you are required to continue monitoring after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Twenty-one cases of anaphylaxis have been reported worldwide after the first dose of 1,893,360 cases of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was reported. Seventeen of those people had existing allergies.
by Centers for Disease Control and PreventionMost (86%) anaphylaxis cases developed symptoms within 30 minutes of vaccination, and most (81%) anaphylaxis patients had a history of allergies or allergic reactions.
Interestingly, women are more likely to suffer a serious reaction. Most (90%) of cases of anaphylaxis reported after vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination occurred in women, but 64% of the vaccine doses given by the recorded recipient gender were given in women. I did.
“Based on initial safety monitoring, anaphylaxis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination seems to be a rare event. However, the comparison between anaphylaxis risk and risks associated with non-COVID-19 vaccine is currently available. It is constrained by the limited data available early in the COVID-19 vaccination program, “says CDC.
Signs of a severe allergic reaction include the following:
• Dyspnea
• Swelling of the face and throat
• Fast heartbeat
• Severe rash all over the body
• Dizziness and weakness
What should I do about side effects?
If you have a severe allergic reaction, call 000 or go to the nearest hospital.
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