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Do you want to get the coronavirus vaccine in the bay area?This is what to expect

Do you want to get the coronavirus vaccine in the bay area?This is what to expect


Coronavirus vaccination In California, about 3 million shots are managed and tens of millions more are added, though slower than everyone wants. Here are answers to questions about what to expect before, during, and after booking.

Before getting vaccinated

Please check when you are eligible. Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that the state will move to an age-based system for vaccination in hopes of speeding up and simplifying the process.

Residents over the age of 65 and some essential workers, including educators, food and agricultural workers, and first responders, are currently eligible for vaccination. Individual counties may be inoculating only a subset of those groups based on supply restrictions.Qualifications are transferred to the system Based on age From mid-February.

Dr. Jeanne Noble, an emergency physician at the University of California, San Francisco, said the change was “probably the best way to speed up the entire process.” “It’s really a battle against time.”

The state has begun My turnA website where you can sign up and schedule appointments to be notified when you are eligible for the vaccine. Currently available only to residents of Los Angeles County and San Diego County, it will soon be expanded.

Find out where you can get vaccinated: Bay Area County has been established Mass vaccination site Like the one that works with City college On the main campus of San Francisco. As more vaccine supplies become available, you may be able to get vaccinated through a large medical system if it provides you with primary care, or through a pharmacy. You should wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth and be at least 6 feet away from others.

Get vaccine information from trusted sources. Beware of postings on social media that distribute disinformation about COVID-19. Instead, visit the websites of trusted sources such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, or the state or county health department. In most cases, you will not be able to choose the vaccine you will receive.

Pregnant women should consult their doctor before vaccination.

Space vaccinations for other illnesses: Wait at least 14 days after vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine and before vaccination with other vaccines, including influenza and shingles. Conversely, if you have been vaccinated against another disease, wait at least 14 days before vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine, the CDC says.

If you have a COVID-19, do not fire. If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been exposed to a recently infected person, follow the CDC guidelines for self-isolation and do not visit the vaccination site during that time.

But if you recover from COVID-19, shoot. Even if you had a coronavirus before CDC says You need to be vaccinated. Experts do not know how long they are immune after being infected. Vaccines provide a more consistent and optimal immune response.

“With the vaccine, the immune system is completely warned, and if COVID is detected again, we know we’re ready to fight COVID,” Noble said. “It’s an additional layer of protection.”

When vaccinated

Know what it’s like to take a shot: Vaccination with a coronavirus vaccine is similar to getting a flu shot. A sharp jab on the arm can cause temporary pain and pain.

Get ready to wait: The coronavirus vaccine is a vaccination in the arm, like the flu shot, but it is a more complex process. Bring a good book and be ready to wait in the car for up to 30 minutes afterwards. Healthcare professionals use their time to monitor you and others for a rare bad allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.

If you have a history of allergic reactions to injections, have EpiPen handy and inform the vaccine provider before receiving the injection.

It has been reported that people who received cosmetic injections, such as dermal fillers used to smooth out wrinkles, developed swelling in previously treated areas a few days after receiving the coronavirus vaccine. The American Society of Dermatology has announced that this side effect General Other vaccinations are rare and temporary. It should not discourage people from being vaccinated.

“It’s not unique to the COVID vaccine,” Noble said.

After you get your shot

You will receive a vaccine passport. After receiving the shot, you will need to receive a vaccine card or printout with the coronavirus vaccine you received, the date you received it, and where you received it. You may also receive a paper or electronic fact sheet with details of the vaccine given.

In the future, you may need proof of vaccination to travel or return to work or school.

Prepare for side effects: Coronavirus vaccines often cause side effects that last 24-48 hours. This can be especially true after the second shot. These reactions generally mean that the vaccine is working and your body is reacting.

“The most common side effect is fatigue,” Noble said. “Some people have headaches and fever. In general, these symptoms are really mild and last for a short time.”

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