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LA County’s coronavirus surge slows, but authorities are afraid of Super Bowl “superspreaders” – Daily News


Fresh from the revised coronavirus Health order Allowing restaurants to eat outdoors, Los Angeles County officials doubled calls to comply with public health protocols on Monday, and the virus could surge as the virus kills dozens of people I warned that.

Approaching Bouncy ball This weekend Sunday.

Public health officials have warned local restaurants, sports bars, or other locations that large groups outside their homes will gather to see the big guys.

They say it’s a recipe for turning a Super Bowl into a Superspreader.

Feller started the week with an urgent plea: “Please stay home on Sunday in the Super Bowl,” she said. “No one should create the additional risk of hosting or attending a party with anyone other than your close relatives this year.”

It’s a familiar refrain for Ferrers who have made similar plea to stay home before major holidays and events. Public health professionals and healthcare professionals say their failure to pay attention to these warnings contributed to the surge in the past.

“In some cases, it’s going to grow even faster, so we need to take the recovery journey one step further, which none of us want,” Feller said.

Despite the permanent death toll and the continued shortage of regional and national vaccines, the recent journey is statistically a recent encouragement as new cases slow down growth and hospitalizations decrease. It has become.

Nonetheless, an additional 85 deaths were reported on Monday, reaching 16,854 deaths in the county. The county also reported 4,223 new positive cases, for a total of 1,120,895.

The report did not include updated figures for Long Beach and Pasadena, which operate their own health departments. Three more Long Beach residents died from coronavirus-related causes, bringing the city to 666 deaths. The city also reported an additional 415 cases, for a total of 48,259 cases of coronavirus. Pasadena reported three new deaths, a total of 256, and 49 new cases, a total of 10,261.

According to Feller, the county’s number of cases has dropped by 70% per day since early January.

Hospitalizations continued to decline on Monday, landing at 5,259, according to state data posted a day before the county. On January 8, the number was 8,098 as a crowded hospital was on the verge of crisis management.

The medical team is still detained, but after a few weeks of shutdown orders, officials say the numbers are heading in the right direction. Still, authorities fear that coronavirus variants could contribute to the new surge.

The average number of deaths per day, which is an indicator of delay, also decreased by 33% from the beginning of January, and from December to January, a huge number of over 1,000% decreased, and local morgues and morgues are new. The ability to accept offspring is almost diminished.

Feller released the results of a new study on Monday showing the proportion of patients with certain underlying illnesses affected by the virus.

The study, which surveyed patients from August to December, showed that people with at least one underlying illness (or “comorbidity”) make up the majority of hospitalized people.

They are included:

    • At least one underlying condition: 86%
    • Overweight / Obesity: 66%
    • Cardiovascular disease: 64%
    • 65 years and over: 43%
    • Type II diabetes: 41%

Feller said the median length of their stay was six days.

Hilda Solis, the supervisor of Feller and LA County, lamented the limited supply of Modana and Pfizer vaccines. This shortage has contributed to the confusion among residents who are eager for vaccination.

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