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Research warns that social distances may need to stay until 2022


The COVID-19 epidemic in New York City, USA on April 12, 2020 allows a man in a surgical mask to work on a computer at Broadway Avenue while the New Yorker is practicing “social distance.”

Roy Roclin | Getty Images

Harvard T.H. researcher Chang’s School of Public Health warns that social isolation measures may be required until 2022 in the absence of effective treatments for vaccines and coronaviruses.

Under study Published in Science Magazine On Tuesday, a team of Harvard epidemiologists assessed what is known about Covid-19 and other coronaviruses and predicted a possible scenario of the current global health crisis.

Measures to maintain social distances, such as school closures, bans on meetings, and orders to stay at home, may have to be implemented, at least for the next few years.

“In the absence of other interventions, a key metric of social distance success is whether it exceeds critical care capacity,” they wrote in a report. “To avoid this, long-term or intermittent social distances may be needed in 2022.”

The researchers said it was important to discover if the coronavirus would be cleared after this first outbreak, such as the 2003 outbreak of SARS.

If not, the Harvard team says that Covid-19 is likely to re-emerge every winter like other more common coronaviruses.

“SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained, as recurrence of the infectious disease can occur by 2024, even with apparent clearance,” they wrote in a report.

Serious adverse effects

The coronavirus pandemic meant that countries around the world were virtually forced to shut down, with many governments imposing severe measures on the lives of billions of people.

Confinement measures Conducted in 187 countries or regions In an effort to slow the spread of the global pandemic.

As of Wednesday, approximately 2 million people worldwide were infected with Covid-19 and 127,590 had died, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

In some European countries Moved carefully Escape from blockade after enduring several weeks of strict social and economic restrictions.

The United States, the global epicenter of coronavirus outbreaks, announced May 1 as a potential date to ease restrictions.

Researchers at Harvard University said they were aware that even if they were intermittent, they could have “serious adverse economic, social, and educational impacts” over distance. It was

They say that their goal in modeling such policies is not to support them, but to spur innovative ideas and expand the list of options for putting a pandemic under long-term control. I emphasized that.

Research further says that it is important to understand whether people can become immune to the coronavirus after being infected, and note that this is not yet known.

World Health Organization Executive Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will attend a daily press briefing on the COVID-19 virus at WHO Headquarters in Geneva on March 11, 2020.

Fabrice Coffrini | AFP | Getty Images

The World Health Organization has given evidence from several countries around the world to them “a clearer picture of this virus, how it behaves, how to stop it and how to cure it”. I said that.

Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, Director of the United Nations Health Organization, The above At a media briefing earlier this week, “Our global connections mean the risk of reintroduction and continued disease recurrence.”

“Ultimately, it will be necessary to develop and administer a safe and effective vaccine to completely stop the infection,” he warned.


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