Obesity increases the probability of severe COVID-19 in young patients
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 (HealthDay News) -It’s clear that age and chronic illness make pandemic coronavirus attacks more severe-and even fatal-but obesity is higher among young people You may also be at risk. Research suggests.
Researchers suspect that obesity-related systemic inflammation is a strong factor in the severity of COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus.
He added that it could be more serious than heart or lung disease.
“This is related to the United States, where 40% of Americans are obese and will undoubtedly contribute to increased morbidity and mortality compared to other countries,” one co-author of the study said. Said Dr. Jennifer Reiter. The writer is an associate professor of pediatric infectious diseases at the New York University School of Medicine in New York City.
People under the age of 60 are generally considered to have a lower risk of COVID-19, but her team found that obese people are twice as likely to be hospitalized for this disease.
The study also found that morbidly obese patients were twice as likely to require acute care and were three times more likely to be confined to the intensive care unit, compared to normal weight patients. Did.
The patients studied were obese, had no diabetes or heart disease, but they may be at risk.
“They have a high incidence of regurgitation of obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, and restrictive pulmonary disease that may be affecting the respiratory system, and are susceptible to infections such as coronavirus.” She said.
She added that obese young people are at higher risk. Remember that writers often wash their hands, practice social distance, and wear face masks.
A second study, led by Dr. Christopher Petrilli of NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City, suggests that the association with obesity may be due to its role in causing inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the cause of many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
“Age and previous health are important predictors of the risk of severe coronavirus infection and death,” said Dr. David Katz, founding director of the Yale Griffin Prevention and Research Center in Derby, Connecticut.
According to Katz, an analysis based only on people who have serious symptoms that require medical attention is insufficient.
“We need a random sample of the general population to find out what is relevant,” he said. “How many people in each category were infected by age, health and weight, with or without symptoms?”
Katz said aging, obesity, and chronic illness increase the health risks of this pandemic, calling for national policies to support a “keep safe, healthier” campaign.
“The serious threat of coronaviruses, along with an urgent timeline, highlights some chronic threats to our health that could suddenly become a problem,” Katz explained.
Meanwhile, he suggested that anything he could do to improve your health while he was locked down could be of great benefit.
“We can’t change our age, but even a short-term effort to improve health and weight while evacuating into place can increase our ability to safely overcome this,” Katz said.
Report published online April 9th in journal Clinical infection And April 11 medRxiv.
For more information
For more information on coronaviruses, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Source: Dr. Jennifer Reiter, Associate Professor, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, New York University School of Medicine, New York City; Founding Director of the Yale Griffin Prevention and Research Center in Derby, Connecticut, David Katz, M.D., M.P.H .; April 9, 2020. Clinical infection, Online; April 11, 2020 medRxiv,online
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