More than half of Americans with unmanaged asthma smoke marijuana
A new small study suggests that more than half of Americans who do not control asthma are marijuana users.
Researchers have found that about one-third of patients whose asthma is untreated and out of control have smoked cannabis in the past, and one-fifth reports are currently using the drug. I found.
In addition, patients were more likely to report positive effects of the drug, such as pain relief, anxiety relief, euphoria, and improved sleep, rather than adverse effects such as wheezing and coughing.
A team at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, states that doctors need to ask questions about smoking in asthmatics and recommend other potentially safer routes, such as eating.
According to a new study from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 33% of uncontrolled asthma patients (yellow) have previously smoked weeds and 20.6% are current users.
Dr. Joanna Zeiger, Principal Investigator at the Kanna Research Foundation in Boulder, Colorado, said:
In addition, half of uncontrolled asthma patients reported cannabis smoking. We also found that people with asthma did not receive regular questions or advice from their doctors about cannabis and how it was consumed.
About the survey published in the journal Annual report on allergies, asthma and immunologyThe team recruited about 500 adults, of whom 245 had asthma.
Asthma is a chronic and incurable respiratory illness that causes the airways to become inflamed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe.
Signs and symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing, which can be exacerbated during an asthma attack.
Treatment usually includes long-term control medications that are often inhaled to control symptoms.
Of the 245 respondents, 148 have control of asthma, which means they have few symptoms day and night, and 97 have uncontrolled asthma.
Nearly 60% of asthma patients report using cannabis at least once in the past or present.
A total of 33% of unmanaged asthma patients have used weeds before, and 20.6% are current users.
This is compared to about 12 percent of the US population who smokes cannabis.
These are similar to the rates seen in controlled asthma patients, of which 39.9% were addicts and 20.9% were current users.
Most patients reported that 75% helped sleep, 68% calmed down and reduced pain, and 67% reported reduced anxiety.
On the other hand, only 21.6% reported that cannabis increased anxiety and 19.3% reported cough.
Surprisingly, 60% of asthma patients also said their doctors didn’t ask if they were using marijuana.
“In order to better manage allergic / asthma patients, allergists need to increase their knowledge of cannabis and inquire about cannabis use, including cannabinoid types, routes of use, reasons for use, and side effects,” the study said. Co-author and allergist Dr. William Silvers.
He states that smoking any substance, including marijuana, can irritate lung tissue and cause asthma attacks.
“As with smoking, efforts should be made to reduce cannabis smoking and recommend other potentially safe routes such as edible and sublingual tinctures.”
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