Chris Whitti called him a “liar” because Covid Denier was harassing him on the street.
This is the moment when a teenager, Covid-sceptic, arrested England’s Chief Medical Officer and began calling him a liar.
An unidentified teenager approaches Chris Whitty on Strutton Ground in Westminster and says, “Big man, Oi. What are you saying? Lie. Lie. Man Dem, he’s a liar. You’re a Covid-19. I’m lying about the case. Come to the guy and stop lying on the TV, guy. ”
Professor Whitti responds with a mask on his face and waits quietly until the child stops speaking.
The first footage on TikTok was shared on Twitter by Tory MP Matt Vickers, who accused teenagers.
What we know about Professor Whitty and his helpers
Resume of Professor Whitti
Current position
Chief Medical Officer, United Kingdom
Chief Scientific Advisor, Ministry of Health
Practicing NHS consultant doctors at University College London Hospital and Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Professor of Gresham Physics, Gresham College
Previous position
Professor of Public Health and International Health at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine (later Chief Medical Officer)
Interim Government Chief Scientific Advisor from 2018 to 2018 (Novichok addiction)
Chief Scientific Advisor, Department for International Development (Main work during the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa)
Teenager resume
Scientific qualification unknown
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He states: “Chris Whitti is doing everything he can to overcome this crisis and should not be exposed to this abuse.”
In a statement he added later, a member of parliament added: .. “
“As this pandemic cloud continues to break up, I think people like Professor Chris Whitti are considered the heroes who stepped up, worked, and led us to the darkest hours.
“For the young man in the video, the less it is said to be better. Perhaps he should be forced to volunteer in the Covid Ward. Perhaps he is ashamed of his dangerous plots and jobish behavior. You will feel a pinch of embarrassment.
Labor activist Jack Summers, who shared Vickers’ post, wrote: “Solidarity with Chris Whitti. Abusing or rejecting expert opinion is unacceptable and will cost lives.
Professor Whitty has repeatedly appeared in the Covid press briefing on Downing Street, and last week announced that the current blockade was “almost pending” as a strategy to reduce infection rates.
He has been practicing as a doctor since he was appointed CMO in the United Kingdom in 2018, and was praised for having a round at a hospital in North London on Christmas, allowing other healthcare professionals to rest for a while. I did.
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