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Turkey’s COVID vaccination program relies entirely on Chinese vaccines, with mixed test results.

Turkey’s COVID vaccination program relies entirely on Chinese vaccines, with mixed test results.


Istanbul — Turkey has launched its masses-Vaccination program For coronavirus disease with the goal of first inoculating 1 million healthcare workers. This program relies entirely on the country to purchase 50 million doses. Vaccine developed by the Chinese Pharmaceutical company Sinovac.

The success of Turkey’s vaccination program could be a major international victory for China’s efforts in vaccine-based diplomacy, but initial optimism is overshadowed by concerns about vaccine efficacy. Three Phase 3 human trials in three different countries yielded very different results, one setting the effectiveness of jabs to only 50.4%. This is just above the threshold set by the World Health Organization to be acceptable for vaccines.

Sinovac has never released Phase 3 trial data for independent peer review and has been criticized by experts for its lack of transparency.

But for Dr. Defne Ozkan of Cerrahpasa Hospital in Istanbul, the shot couldn’t come right away. She told CBS News that she felt “absolutely” safer to do her job because of the vaccination.

“Unfortunately, it was a very terrible time with this illness. I couldn’t work, I couldn’t go out and meet anyone, but now I’m more comfortable,” said the doctor. Told.

Hospitals like Ozkan work are at the mercy of a pandemic in Turkey. More than 300 healthcare workers have died in competition to save others from the virus. These numbers helped the government decide to put it at the forefront of vaccination.

So far, about 1.4 million people have been vaccinated with Sinovac’s “CoronaVac” vaccine.

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A vaccine study in Indonesia found that it was 65% effective in preventing infection. The Turkish trial was the most optimistic, and based on early results, it suggests that the Chinese formula was 91% of the highest efficacy of all vaccines developed worldwide.

However, in trials in Brazil, the efficacy rate was only 50.4%, slightly above the WHO’s minimum threshold of 50%.

Sinovac defends the vaccine and states that its efficacy rate is low because the Brazilian trial was conducted in healthcare professionals rather than in the general population.

Dr. Ricardo Palacios conducted a trial conducted by the Butantan Institute in Brazil, dismissing skepticism about the Sinobac vaccine.

“Of course, we are vaccinated against the less effective flu every year,” he told CBS News. “This is not a problem, as these results and this type of vaccine have the same results … they reduce the intensity of the disease.”

Still, polls suggest that about half of Turkey’s population does not trust Chinese vaccines, but the Turkish government does not offer an alternative.

Sinovac expects to produce about 300 million vaccines annually, aiming to close the vaccine availability gap in developing countries.

Few Western countries have ordered the Sinovac vaccine, but in addition to Turkey, Brazil, Chile, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia handle doses.


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