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WHO urges European pharmaceutical companies to cooperate with vaccines


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The World Health Organization’s European branch director expressed concern about the spread of viral variants on Friday, saying that Europe and pharmaceutical groups need to work together to speed up Covid-19 vaccination and share doses with poor countries. Stated.

“You need to participate to speed up vaccination.” WHO European director Hans Kruge told AFP in an interview. Europe is trying to overcome the delay in launching vaccination campaigns amid tensions between Brussels and vaccine makers.

Kruge said competing pharmaceutical companies must participate in efforts to “significantly increase production capacity.”

In European UnionAlthough only 2.5% of the population received the first vaccination, expectations for acceleration are rising with the announcement of increased vaccination by several laboratories.

Asked if vaccines available after December would be effective against new viral variants, Kruge replied, “That’s a big problem. I’m worried.”

He warned that he “must be prepared” for a new problematic mutation in the virus and called on countries to expand their ability to sequence genomes.

“It cruelly reminds us that the virus is still predominant in humans,” he added.

Tunnel “a little longer”

Of the 53 countries in WHO’s European region, including several countries in Central Asia, 37 reported cases of UK variants and 17 registered cases of South African variants.

The fight against the pandemic has become more difficult than in December, when the first vaccine was available, but Kruge was optimistic.

“Honestly, I think the tunnel is a bit longer than I expected at the end of December, but this year it will be easier to manage and prevent,” he said.

“There is no’solution’or’strategy’. We need to do our job better and we are better,” Kruge added.

He repeats the WHO call for rich countries to show solidarity with poor countries who cannot buy vaccines, and to share their doses after inoculating wealthy countries with a portion of their population. Prompted.

Kluge is vaccinated by wealthy countries after inoculating “elderly people, health care workers, people with comorbidities” without waiting to exceed the 70% threshold needed to achieve herd immunity Suggested to share.

“If they reach 20% of the population, it’s probably the moment they can already start sharing some vaccines,” he said.

“Vaccination passport” is not possible

According to World Bank standards, the milestone of 100 million vaccinations passed on Tuesday, with 65% of jabs given in high-income countries.

To combat “vaccine nationalism,” WHO has established Covax, a global inoculation sharing initiative to support poor countries.

“In the EU, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, I know they all ordered and traded in doses 4-9 times the required amount. Therefore, my point here is 70 of the population. Don’t wait until it reaches% (vaccinated) Share with Balkan and Share with Central Asia and Africa. “

WHO is in favor of the country issuing the vaccination certificate, but Kruge disagreed with the idea of ​​a “vaccination passport” required for travel.

“We certainly don’t want to have a so-called vaccine passport, which increases inequality and is something we never subscribe to,” he explained.

(France 24 with AFP)


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