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The FDA will continue to support the development of medical products to tackle new viral variants

The FDA will continue to support the development of medical products to tackle new viral variants
The FDA will continue to support the development of medical products to tackle new viral variants


As a public health agency responsible for regulating healthcare products, healthcare providers need to ensure that the toolbox for combating this pandemic is equipped with the latest diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. We understand the need to adapt and pivot to support the modification or development of these life-saving tools as new variants of the coronavirus are identified.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the US Food and Drug Administration has predicted the potential emergence of coronavirus variants. The FDA continues to monitor identified new variants in circulation around the world and their detection in the United States.

We are actively assessing the impact of new shares on licensed products and working with healthcare product sponsors and international partners to determine the effectiveness and usefulness of each variant of the licensed healthcare product. We are evaluating the impact.

Our distributors have experience in the evolution of infectious diseases. Influenza vaccines and diagnostics are often changed each year to address the predominant strains that are predicted to be prevalent worldwide. The agency has created and used a regulatory process that facilitates these updates. In the event of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 mutants for which currently approved vaccines are not sufficiently effective, the experience of influenza can be used to inform the future path. Similarly, the FDA has extensive experience with HIV developing resistance to antiviral drugs, enabling rapid development of new antiviral drugs against resistant viruses according to regulatory pathways.

We have already contacted individual healthcare product sponsors to provide information on assessing the impact of the COVID-19 variant on their products. In addition, as part of its commitment to a public and transparent process, the FDA is developing guidance for diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine developers to guide ongoing healthcare product development.

For therapeutic agents, especially monoclonal antibodies that target viruses, we are exploring approaches to facilitate drug development in this important area, including discussing appropriate regulatory flexibility. We recognize that some of the neutralized monoclonal antibodies that have been approved or are under development are less effective against some of the COVID-19 mutants that have emerged and may work with drug developers. We are accelerating the evaluation of certain new antibodies. Effective against mutations. Relying on our growing experience with this class of medicines, our team discusses approaches to preclinical, clinical, chemical, manufacturing, and management data generation and evaluation.

For diagnostics, we monitor new mutations, identify and collaborate with test developers who may have a negative impact on performance, and keep in touch with the general public when useful information becomes available. At this time, we believe that these mutations have a low risk of affecting the overall test accuracy of molecular testing. Going forward, we will expand the role of sponsored in silico monitoring before and after approval to evaluate mutations that affect test performance, and test designs and approved products to minimize the impact of new mutations. We are considering ways to make it transparent. About what the test knows to detect.

For licensed vaccines, our team is currently needed to support changes in vaccine composition by modifying existing vaccines or adding new vaccine components, including ways sponsors can demonstrate immunity. We are considering and discussing various types of data. The response to new variants through a streamlined clinical program that the FDA collects the critical data needed to demonstrate its effectiveness, but can be done quickly to collect this data. To clarify, we continue to better understand and address the effects of mutations on FDA-regulated products, but currently available information is from the COVID-19 strain in which the licensed vaccine is currently circulating in the United States. It suggests that it will continue to be effective in protecting the public. ..

We believe these guidances demonstrate the flexibility to work with individual sponsors to support product changes or developments to combat COVID-19. The FDA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a full-fledged effort to enable the FDA to address multiple public health needs at the same time.The emergence of multiple variants and their potential impact on performance Effectiveness of Regarding vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics, the FDA remains transparent about its thinking in this area, recognizes that all stakeholders receive consistent advice, and others are involved in the FDA’s decision-making process. It is important to gain insight into.

In addition to these guidance, the FDA will prepare to anticipate and address product and supply chain impacts as quickly as possible, regardless of the path the pandemic will take in the coming months. We carry out planning. As we continue this process, we promise to share this information with the general public when we are ready.

Based on information about new variants, we are committed to identifying efficient processes for approved products that may require changes. We don’t think we need to start from scratch with any of these products. We are aware that we are in a pandemic and we need to provide healthcare providers with the most appropriate tools to fight this pandemic at the forefront. I don’t want to create an obstacle to putting these tools at the forefront.

As with any change in the situation, we continuously monitor the situation and update our plans as more information becomes available. We are committed to communicating with you to continue to determine the best path for the future. We recommend that Americans continue to be tested, vaccinated, and follow important health measures. Wash your hands, wear a mask and maintain a social distance.

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, by ensuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary medicines, vaccines, and other human biological products, and medical devices. Protects public health. The agency is also responsible for the safety and security of our food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that emit electronic radiation, and the regulation of tobacco products.


US Food and Drug Administration


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