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Child’s time perception, risk of associated developmental coordination disorder

Child’s time perception, risk of associated developmental coordination disorder


Neuroscientist At McMaster University, between children at risk of developmental coordination disorder (DCD), a common condition that can cause clumsiness, and difficulty in perceiving time, such as interpreting rhythmic beat changes. I found it to be related to.

Accurate time perception is very important for basic skills such as walking and processing voice and music. “Many developmental disorders such as dyslexia, reading disorders, autism, and attention deficit are associated with impaired auditory time perception,” said the senior author of the study and founding director of the McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind. Laurel Trainor says.

Previous studies have shown that brain networks involved in time perception often overlap with motor control networks required for activities such as catching balls and hitting to the beat of music. .. So far, researchers haven’t investigated whether children with DCD tend to have hearing timing deficiencies, despite the risk of dyslexia and attention deficit.

Published online in the journal Child Development, this study provides new evidence for its relationship in children. Developmental Coordination Disorder is a common but poorly studied condition that affects about 5-15% of all children. These children can experience a variety of difficulties with fine and coarse motor skills. It can have profound and lifelong implications for everyday tasks such as dressing, writing, engaging in sports and play, and often impedes learning, academic performance and socialization.

In this study, researchers recruited more than 60 children aged 6 and 7 years. These children underwent motor skills tests and were rated at risk for DCD or usually developed.

In the first study, a series of trials asked each child to identify which of the two sounds was shorter in time or had an eccentric rhythm. For this reason, researchers measured thresholds or minimum time differences in which each child could hardly make the right decision.

“Sure, we found that children at risk for DCD were much less sensitive to changes in time than children who were normally developing,” McMaster’s psychology, neuroscience and behavior. Andrew Chan, a senior undergraduate researcher and graduate student, said.

In the second experiment, researchers used EEG to measure brain waves in children listening to a series of sounds that were tuned to include occasional timing shifts. Children at risk for DCD have slowed brain activity in response to unexpected timing lags.

There are no medications to treat DCD, but physiotherapy and occupational therapy can help children improve muscle strength, balance, and coordination.

“We anecdotally know that therapists may incorporate regular rhythms into the physiotherapy given to children with DCD. For example, children can walk better if they walk to the rhythm. I have the impression that, ”Chan explains.

“Our current study does not directly investigate the effects of interventions, but the results suggest that prominent and regular beat music can be used for physiotherapy to help treat children.” He says.

He points out motor rehabilitation, which features auditory cues with metronomes and musical beats. It helps adult patients with Parkinson’s disease or recovering from a stroke. Further research may help determine if similar treatments may help children with DCD, he says.

This story was published from the Wire Agency Feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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