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San Francisco deploys coronavirus detective to track spread and help initiate recovery


San Francisco city officials said Wednesday they are launching a contact tracking project hoping to eventually roll out across the Bay Area COVID-19 Pandemic.

City officials have said that 50 librarians, city officials, and medical students have been trained to date. Perform a trace. The project deploys an app developed by Dimagi Inc., a commercial software company working with the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

San Francisco director of public health Dr. Grant Colfax said at a news conference that he hoped 150 people would be trained in two weeks. The city now has English and Spanish-speaking tracers, but he needs to expand to workers who are fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Tagalog, he said.

These workers contact people who have been in contact with people who test positive for COVID-19 and check in daily by text or phone. Monitor for symptoms.

Colfax called contact tracking the “public health foundation.” The city is affiliated with the University of California San Francisco on a project.

He stressed that it was essential for the public to work with trackers-in some cases people refused-and that screening was done in secret and no information was provided to immigration authorities.

“We are not going to ask for confidential information, social security numbers, or citizenship status,” Colfax said. “We want the information we need to ensure that we are as safe as possible.”

Mayor of London Breed said at a press conference that contact tracking will be important to protect public health when considering relaxing restrictions on some shelters.

“We’re putting in place this contact tracking program to handle new cases and prevent the virus from getting out of control,” she said.

The city is increasing its coronavirus testing, but there is still a shortage of swabs, or what’s called “gangks” in swabs to stabilize the sample as it is transported to the machine.

“The biggest barrier is supply chain instability,” he said. “I don’t know how many cotton buds I can expect on a regular basis.”

William Scott police chief, who also spoke at a press conference, said he shouldn’t go to San Francisco every April 20th or April 20th for a marijuana celebration. The streets will be closed, and the places where cannabis smokers have gathered in the past will be fenced, he said.

“When I need to quote, I quote it,” he said. “If we have to arrest, we will arrest.”

The city continues to have problems with tent camps. A city official in charge of the homeless job said authorities explained the pandemics and would regularly go to these camps to demand that the tents be 6 feet away. But when they returned to the same block the next day, officials said a new tent was placed in a 6-foot space.

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