Exploring the relationship between childhood vaccines and immunity to COVID-19 Local virologists | COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit
Reed — Already routinely administered pediatric vaccines may be effective in combating COVID-19, said local virologist Dr. John Andrews.
Pfizer and Moderna have deployed the COVID-19 vaccine and the world has been working hard to inoculate as many people as possible, but challenges such as ultra-low temperature storage and supply restrictions have disrupted the process. However, after some scientists have observed that the new virus has little effect on children, the inoculation process is the same as diverting the same vaccine that is routinely distributed to children around the world. I believe it could be as easy as that. Fight COVID-19. “I’m working on a childhood vaccine diversion,” Andrews said. “From epidemiology we believe that children do not appear to be infected and, if infected, they tend to develop asymptomatic illnesses. In addition, like the elderly, the virus It doesn’t seem to spread. Even adults with asymptomatic viruses are contagious unless vaccinated. Children don’t seem to. One of the potential explanations for this is childhood. Vaccination gives children immunity to COVID. “
Andrews said the theory was widely published in the general press by epidemiologists around the world, including Nobel laureate Robert Gallo, who allegedly discovered HIV in the 1980s.
If the theory applies, Andrews said it could make a big difference in the distribution of vaccines, especially in Third World countries where availability and distribution are a concern.
“These childhood vaccines have already been given to the majority of children around the world,” he said. “If it actually works in adults, if we can actually reuse these childhood vaccines, there is a quick way to vaccinate the world. Third World countries have access to these vaccines. , The childhood program is already in place. There isn’t much extra cost. It’s a penny per dose so the whole world can afford it. “
While Andrews and other scientists are considering diversion of existing proven vaccines, other companies continue to work on new formulations used to prevent COVID-19. Pfizer and Moderna have developed the first product approved with a formula that is 95% effective against the virus. AstraZeneca, a British company, announced this month a version of a double-dose vaccine that can be approved by the FDA. Johnson and Johnson are expected to submit data on a single-dose vaccine that is expected to be approximately 70% effective against COVID-19.
However, viral variants that have proven to be more contagious and perhaps more deadly have these new variants towards the ultimate goal of eradicating COVID-19 through vaccine-derived herd immunity. Vaccine developers are concerned because they are trying to increase their effectiveness against the species. He said the viral variants remained susceptible to existing vaccines, although the degree of susceptibility was reduced. Vaccine developers are already considering product changes to address this new threat. It’s safe and effective, “he said.
Andrews, who is developing vaccines and treatments for major illnesses such as Ebola, hepatitis B, and HIV, has retired to Reed for rest and relaxation before the COVID-19 pandemic returned him to work. You need to worry about FDA-approved vaccines. He said the vaccine wasn’t “in a hurry,” as some have claimed. They were promoted, and there is a big difference.
“For decades, the agency has brought a special route for medicine to treat new public health crises,” he said. “The only safety issue with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines seems to be the low risk of anaphylaxis occurring within the first 30 minutes of vaccination, so vaccinated people will be discharged. You need to sit and monitor for 30 minutes before. That is the minimum risk. Indeed, the ratio of risk to benefit is very favorable for vaccination. COVID immunity is the national mass immunity. It needs to be reestablished, adjusted, or strengthened quite often until it reaches a level, but it is much better to have immunity. “
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