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COVID-19 Pandemic “May continue for another 7 years”

COVID-19 Pandemic “May continue for another 7 years”
COVID-19 Pandemic “May continue for another 7 years”


According to a new report, the world will continue to wrestle with the COVID pandemic for most of the last decade.

Based on current vaccination rates, the despised virus will be a part of life until the late 2020s.

Bloomberg calculates that it will take at least seven years for the pandemic to end around the world.

According to the press, it has built the “largest database” of COVID-19 inoculations worldwide. New York post..

The news came when the United States first reported more than 5,000 deaths in a single day when the United States deployed an army to provide vaccines. When Americans gathered over the Super Bowl weekend, the country also prepared for a new surge in viral cases and deaths.

After examining the numbers, Bloomberg concluded that it could take more than a decade to reach herd immunity if the distribution of double-dose vaccines did not increase.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent American COVID expert, said 70-85 percent of the population would need a vaccine to achieve herd immunity.

The United States is on track to reach that goal by 2022, but countries like Canada could take 10 years at the current pace.

With more than 119 million doses distributed worldwide, Bloomberg trackers reach 75% coverage in some countries, primarily wealthy Western countries, much faster than in others. It shows that it is.

For example, Israel plans to achieve 75% coverage by the spring of the north, but if vaccine distribution remains unchanged, Portugal will reach four years, China seven years, and Latvia nearly nine years before reaching herd immunity. It may take.

Bloomberg says the calculations are “unstable”. Supply disruptions continue, especially with rollouts a few months ago.

Canada’s vaccination rate has been cut in half recently after the country faced shipping delays, but as long as their contract to buy more doses than any other country advances, they are 10 It doesn’t stay in pandemic hell for years.

Outlets said the pace is expected to accelerate globally as more and more jabs become available-they point out the major vaccine manufacturing hubs in India and Mexico, production is just beginning, and Only one-third of the country said it had launched a vaccine campaign.

Bloomberg’s calculator is based on double doses for complete vaccination and will be adjusted when the single dose Johnson & Johnson Jab is widely released.

Vaccinations are not approved for children, but Bloomberg included a young set in the calculation because it can infect and infect pathogens.

Calculators say that the CDC provides some immunity after infection, but it does not record the innate immunity that may be given to people who already have the virus because they do not know how long it will last.

A study by Mount Sinai published on the preprint server MedRxiv last week found that reinfection was “common” among adolescents, especially those with very mild cases or no symptoms at the time of the bug. understood. Researchers involved urged the government to include previously infected young people in the distribution of the vaccine.

Another study published this week suggests that people infected with the virus only need to be vaccinated once.

at first COVID-19 Pandemic “May continue for another 7 years”


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