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Women at high risk of fatal nocturnal cardiac arrest: study


New proposals suggest that women are at greater risk of suffering sudden death from cardiac arrest at night than men Research.. The survey results were published in the journal “Heart Rhythm”. The study, led by the Center for Cardiac Arrest Prevention at the Smit Heart Institute, found for the first time that women are more likely to suffer from sudden death from cardiac arrest than men during the night hours.

“Sudden death at night is a perplexing and catastrophic phenomenon,” said Dr. Smeet Chu, MD, senior author of the study and director of the Center for Cardiac Arrest Prevention. “I was surprised to discover that being a woman is an independent predictor of these events,” Chugh added.

Medical professionals are a mystery because most patients are in a resting state with reduced metabolism, heart rate, and blood pressure during these late hours, Chu said. Sudden cardiac death (also called sudden cardiac death) is an electrical disorder of the heart rhythm that stops the heart beating. People often confuse sudden cardiac arrest with a heart attack.

However, a heart attack is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol plaques that cause obstruction of the coronary arteries. Also, unlike a heart attack, most people have symptoms, but sudden cardiac death can occur in the absence of a warning sign.

Another major difference is that most people survive a heart attack and only 10 percent survive out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Of the approximately 350,000 people affected by this condition each year in the United States, approximately 17% to 41% occur at night between 10 pm and 6 am.

In this study, Chugh and his team examined the records of 4,126 patients, with 3,208 sudden cardiac arrests during the day and 918 at night. Patients suffering from cardiac arrest at night were more likely to be female than during the day.

Further research is needed, but researchers suggest that respiratory components may cause increased risk at night in women.

Chu’s study also showed:

1. 25.4% of the women surveyed had cardiac arrest at night, compared to 20.6% of men.

2. The prevalence of lung disease was significantly higher in people who had cardiac arrest at night than in those who had cardiac arrest during the day.

3. Those who had cardiac arrest at night had a higher prevalence of previous or current smoking history.

“The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma was found to be significantly higher in patients with sudden cardiac arrest at night than in daytime, regardless of gender,” said Pauline of the Cardiac Electrophysiology Study. Said Chu, who is also Harold Price Chairman.

“Some of the drugs that affect the brain can suppress breathing, but we’ve also found that they’re used significantly more at night than during daytime cardiac arrest,” Chugh added. I did.

Based on these findings, this study report is prescribed by prescribing physicians to high-risk patients, especially women, for the management of drugs that affect the brain, such as sedatives and pain and depression. It suggested that you might want to be careful when recommending medicine.

“This important study may better guide physicians and the broader medical community to make healthier, science-backed recommendations in treating this difficult condition,” he said. Dr. Christine Albert, MD, MPH, and Lee and Harold Kapelovitz, MD, Department of Cardiology, Smit Heart Institute, chaired cardiology.

“This is also a necessary continuation of gender-based research that defines much of the field of cardiology,” Albert concludes.

This story was published from the Wire Agency Feed without changing the text.


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