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Studies have linked nighttime exposure to artificial lighting to an increased risk of thyroid cancer

Studies have linked nighttime exposure to artificial lighting to an increased risk of thyroid cancer


People who live outdoors in areas with a lot of artificial light at night may be at increased risk of developing thyroid cancer. The results of this survey are derived from an early published survey online. cancer, A peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

Over the past century, the night view of the city, in particular, has changed dramatically due to the rapid growth of lamps. Epidemiological studies have also reported an association between increased levels of nighttime light measured by satellite and increased risk of breast cancer. A team led by Dr. Qian Xiao of the University of Texas Health Sciences Center for Night and Subsequent Light Linkage, as some breast cancers may share a common hormonal dependence base with thyroid cancer. I searched for. Development of thyroid cancer in NIH-AARP dietary and health study participants recruited American adults aged 50 to 71 from 1995 to 1996. Investigators analyzed satellite imagery data to estimate nighttime light levels in participants’ residences and examined the state’s cancer registry database to identify diagnoses of thyroid cancer by 2011. ..

Of the 464,371 participants followed for an average of 12.8 years, 856 were diagnosed with thyroid cancer (384 in men and 472 in women). The highest quintile was associated with a 55 percent increased risk of developing thyroid cancer when compared to the lowest quintile of night light. This association was primarily caused by the most common form of thyroid cancer, called papillary thyroid cancer, which was stronger in women than in men. In women, it was more relevant with localized cancers that did not spread to other parts of the body, and in men it was more relevant at the more advanced stages of the cancer. The associations appeared to be similar among participants with different sociodemographic characteristics and obesity indices at different tumor sizes.

Researchers said additional epidemiological studies were needed to confirm their findings. Once confirmed, it is important to understand the underlying mechanism of the relationship between night light and thyroid cancer. Scientists have noted that night light suppresses melatonin, a modulator of estrogen activity that can have important antitumor effects. Night light can also disrupt the body clock (or circadian rhythm), which is a risk factor for various types of cancer.

“As an observational study, our study was not designed to establish a causal relationship, so it is unclear whether high levels of outdoor light at night increase the risk of thyroid cancer. Our study motivates researchers to further investigate the relationship between nocturnal light and cancer and other diseases, given the well-established evidence supporting its role, on nocturnal light exposure and ambient turmoil. I hope that, “said Dr. Xiao. “Recently, efforts have been made in some cities to reduce light pollution, and future studies need to assess whether and to what extent such efforts affect human health. I believe there is. “


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Note: The information contained in this release is copyrighted. Include journal attribution in all coverage. A free summary of this article Cancer newsroom When publishing online. For more information or to get a PDF of the survey, please contact:

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Complete quote: “Relationship between nighttime artificial light and risk of thyroid cancer: a large US cohort study.” Do Won Chang, Lena R. Jones, Peter James, Cali M. Kitahara, Chien Xiao. cancerPublished online: February 8, 2021 (DOI: 10.1002 / cncr.33392).

URL at the time of publication: http: // doi.Wily.When/10.10.1002 /cncr.33392

Author contact: Wendy Hawthorne, Media Relations Specialist, University of Texas Health Science Center [email protected] Or + 1713-500-3030.

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cancer Is a peer-reviewed publication of the American Cancer Society that integrates scientific information from sources around the world in all oncology disciplines.Purpose of cancer To provide an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging information between the fields of oncology related to the etiology, course, and treatment of human cancer. CANCER is published by Wiley on behalf of the American Cancer Society and can be accessed online.

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