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The brain was altered by caffeine in the womb, studies find

The brain was altered by caffeine in the womb, studies find
The brain was altered by caffeine in the womb, studies find



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A new study found that caffeine consumed during pregnancy can alter important brain pathways, leading to behavioral problems in later years. Researchers at the Del Monte Neuroscience Institute at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) analyzed thousands of brain scans at ages 9 and 10 to see changes in brain structure in children exposed to caffeine in utero. I made it clear.

“These are a kind of minor effects that do not cause horrific mental states, but do cause minimal but significant behavioral problems that require consideration of the long-term effects of caffeine intake. Dr. John Fox, director of the Del Monte Neuroscience Institute and principal investigator in adolescent brain cognitive development or ABCD research at the University of Rochester, said: “I think the results of this study are recommendations. Caffeine during pregnancy is probably not a good idea.”

Elevated behavioral problems, decreased attention, and hyperactivity are all symptoms that researchers have observed in these children. “What makes this unique is that when you take caffeine during pregnancy, the biological pathways look different,” says Zachary Christensen, MD / Ph.D.Candidate for medical training program and lead author of journally published treatises Neuropharmacology.. “Previous studies have shown that children perform differently on IQ tests and have different psychopathology, but it’s kind of like a biomarker because it may also be related to demographics. It’s difficult to analyze it until it’s done. This gives us a starting point for future research that attempts to know exactly when changes are occurring in the brain. “

Investigator analyzes Over 9,000 participants aged 9 and 10 in the ABCD study. They found that there was a clear change in the way white matter was tracked to form connections between the brain regions of children reported by mothers to ingest caffeine during pregnancy.

URMC is one of 21 sites nationwide that collects data from the ABCD study, the largest long-term study on brain development and child health. This study is funded by the National Institute of Health. Ed Freedman, Ph.D. Is the Principal Investigator and co-author of the ABCD study in Rochester.

“It’s important to point out that this is a retrospective study,” Foxe said. “We rely on our mother to remember how much caffeine we ingested during pregnancy.”

Previous studies have shown that caffeine can adversely affect pregnancy. It is also known that the foetation does not have the enzymes needed to break down caffeine as it crosses the placenta. This new study reveals that caffeine can have a lasting effect on neurodevelopment.

Researchers point out that the effect of caffeine on the foetation is unknown It depends on the duration of pregnancy or when these structural changes occur during pregnancy.

“Current clinical guidelines already suggest limitations Intake during pregnancy — 2 cups or less of regular coffee daily. In the long run, we want to develop better guidance for mothers, but in the meantime, you should consult your doctor if you have any concerns. ”

Studies show that moderate amounts of caffeine during pregnancy do not harm a baby’s IQ

For more information:
Zachary P. Christensen et al, In utero caffeine exposure is associated with structural brain changes and adverse neurocognitive consequences in children aged 9-10 years. Neuropharmacology (2021). DOI: 10.1016 / j.neuropharm.2021.108479

Quote: The brain was altered by caffeine in the womb. The findings (February 8, 2021) were obtained from on February 8, 2021.

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