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COVID-The study says 19 patients with periodontal disease are nine times more likely to die

COVID-The study says 19 patients with periodontal disease are nine times more likely to die


Brush your teeth regularly And Maintain proper oral care Can play a big role in the fight against COVID-19 — New studies show that patients with periodontal disease are nine times more likely to die from bugs.

Even in a study of more than 500 patients Periodontal disease They were 3.5 times more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit and 4.5 times more likely to need a ventilator. Reported by Medical Xpress..

Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

In addition, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology found that patients with coronavirus with poor gum health were at least three times more likely to experience complications.

Blood markers that indicate inflammation in the body are significantly higher in patients with periodontal disease, suggesting that inflammation may explain an increased incidence of complications.

“The results of this study suggest that inflammation in the oral cavity can open the door to coronavirus and become more violent,” said study co-author Lior Shapira of the Hebrew University. Stated. Israel..

“Oral care should be part of health recommendations to reduce the risk of serious COVID-19 consequences,” added Shapira, president-elect of the European Society of Periodontology.

Periodontitis is a serious gingival disease that affects up to half of adults worldwide and can spread systemically if left untreated. COVID-19 is associated with a potentially fatal inflammatory response.

The study, conducted in Qatar, included 568 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 between February and July 2020.

Of them, 40 had complications such as admission to the ICU, mechanical ventilation, or death, but 528 did not.

Other factors including Body mass index,asthma, Heart disease, Diabetes, blood pressure And smoking It was also considered for complications of COVID-19. Data on blood levels of chemicals related to inflammation in the body were also obtained.

Patients with periodontal disease COVID-19 were 8.81 times more likely to die than other patients, but were 3.54 times and 4.57 times more likely to end up in the intensive care unit or ventilator, respectively.

“If a causal relationship is established between periodontitis in COVID-19 patients and increased adverse outcome rates, establishing and maintaining periodontal health can be an important part of the care of these patients. There are, “the authors write.

Professor Mariano Sants, Complutense University of Madrid, SpainOne of the authors said that oral bacteria in patients with periodontitis can be inhaled and infect the lungs.

“This can contribute to exacerbation of COVID-19 patients and increase the risk of death. Hospital staff identify COVID-19 patients with periodontitis and use oral disinfectants to reduce bacterial transmission. You have to do it, “he said.

Click here for the full range of coronaviruses

Shapira with periodontitis Lung disease Including asthma, pneumonia And Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Well established.

“This study adds further evidence to the link between oral health and respiratory status. Periodontitis is a common illness, but it can be prevented and treated,” said Shapira. ..

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