Studies show that wearable devices can detect symptoms of COVID-19 and predict diagnosis
![Studies show that wearable devices can detect symptoms of COVID-19 and predict diagnosis Studies show that wearable devices can detect symptoms of COVID-19 and predict diagnosis](
![Credit: CC0 public domain Wearable](
Credit: CC0 public domain
Wearable devices can identify cases of COVID-19 faster than traditional diagnostic methods and help track and improve disease management, Mount Sinai researchers said in one of the first studies on this topic. I am reporting.Survey results published in Journal of Medical Internet Research January 29th.
The· Warrior Watch Study Subtle changes found in participants Heart rate variability Measured on an Apple Watch (HRV), 7 days before an individual was diagnosed with an infection via a nasal swab, he was able to signal the onset of COVID-19 and identify those with symptoms.
“This study Digital health“The corresponding authors of the study, Dr. Robert P. Harten, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and members of the Hassoplatner Institute and Mount Sinai Clinical Intelligence at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said. I will. Center (MSCIC). “This shows that these technologies can be used to better address evolving health needs. It is hoped that this will improve disease management. Our goal is to use these platforms. To operate and improve patient health, this study is an important step in that direction. How to identify people who may be ill before they realize they are infected. Development will be a breakthrough in the management of COVID-19. “
Researchers enrolled hundreds of healthcare professionals across the Mount Sinai Health System in an ongoing digital survey from April to September 2020. Participants wore an Apple Watch and answered daily questions through a customized app. Changes in HRV, a measure of nervous system function detected by wearable devices, were used to identify and predict whether workers were infected or had symptoms of COVID-19. Other daily symptoms collected include fever or chills, malaise or weakness, body aches, dry cough, sneezing, I have a runny nose,diarrhea, sore throat, Headache, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, itchy eyes.
In addition, researchers found that 7-14 days after being diagnosed with COVID-19, the HRV pattern began to normalize and was no longer statistically different from the pattern in uninfected individuals.
“This technology not only allows us to track and predict health, but also allows us to intervene in a timely and remote manner, which is essential during a pandemic when people need to be away,” said the study’s co-author. One Dr. Zahi Fayad said. D., Director of the BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute, co-founder of MSCIC, and Professor Lucy G. Moses of Medical Imaging and Biotechnology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
The Warrior Watch Study utilizes the collaboration of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health and MSCIC. MSCIC represents a diverse group of data scientists, engineers, clinicians and researchers across Mount Sinai Health Systems in 2020 to fight COVID-19. Next, take a closer look at biometrics such as HRV, sleep disorders, and physical activity to see which one you better understand. Health care workers There is a risk of psychological effects of the pandemic.
Robert P Hirten et al, Physiological data from wearable devices identify SARS-CoV-2 infection and symptoms and predict COVID-19 diagnosis: observational study (preprint), Journal of Medical Internet Research (2021). DOI: 10.2196 / 26107
Provided by
Mount Sinai Hospital
Quote: According to research, wearable devices can detect the symptoms of COVID-19 and predict the diagnosis (February 9, 2021). Obtained from February 9, 2021
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