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Four New Covid Symptoms Revealed-Including Headaches in Children


Experts at Imperial College London today associated additional symptoms with the virus, adding “classical” symptoms of olfactory and taste loss, fever, and new persistent cough.

New symptoms are chills, loss of appetite, headache, and muscle aches.

They are also likely to develop persistent cough, but may suffer from loss of taste and odor, if they come into contact with Covid’s new UK or “Kent” mutant (currently the predominant strain in the country). Said low.

The findings are based on Imperial’s REACT study, which measures the prevalence of Covid in the community. More than 1 million people in the United Kingdom who volunteered to use regular nose and throat swabs participated in this study.

However, new symptoms vary with age, and headaches have been reported in children aged 5 to 17 years.

Chills were associated with positive tests across all age groups.

Anorexia was found in the 18-54 and 55+ groups.

Muscle soreness was seen in people aged 18-54 years.

Infected children and teens were less likely to report fever, persistent cough, and loss of appetite than adults.

The findings follow a statement released yesterday by the Office for National Statistics that more than half of the UK people diagnosed with covid showed no of the most common symptoms.

You can encourage public health officers to consider guidance on what symptoms should be seen before undergoing a Covid test.

However, many of the new symptoms overlap with those seen with the flu, creating the problem of false fear of having a Covid infection.

Currently, British people are encouraged to take the “Pillar 2” Covid test if they have at least one of the four classic symptoms.

However, many areas are also developing rapid tests of asymptomatic individuals to detect infections that are not otherwise detected.

Only about half of people with the virus want a “pillar 2” PCR test, which can rise to three-quarters if new symptoms are added as a trigger for the test.

Professor Paul Elliott, director of the Imperial React program, said: “These new findings suggest that many people in Covid-19 are not tested and therefore not self-quarantined because their symptoms do not match them. Used in current public health guidance to identify infected individuals. It has been.

“We understand that clear laboratory criteria are needed and that people are at risk of unnecessarily self-isolating, including many of the symptoms commonly found in other illnesses such as seasonal flu.

“We hope that our findings on the most beneficial symptoms mean that the test program will use the latest evidence to help identify more infected individuals.”

The study also investigated whether the emergence of British or Kent variants was associated with a variety of symptoms. This study suggested that Kent variants predispose to persistent coughing, but they are less likely to lose taste and smell.

Dr. Joshua Elliott of the Faculty of Public Health, Imperial College London, said: “As the epidemic progresses and new variants emerge, it is imperative that test programs continue to monitor how the virus affects people in order to meet their changing needs.

“We hope that our data will help develop testing guidance and systems that will help us better identify who should be tested for Covid-19 based on their symptoms.”


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