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CDC says double masking can block 92% of infectious particles

CDC says double masking can block 92% of infectious particles


Researchers have found that a cloth mask can be layered over a medical procedure mask, such as a disposable blue surgical mask, to provide a snug fit and no leaks, preventing 92.5% of potentially infected particles from escaping. I found that I could do it.

“These data provide CDC’s previous guidance that everyone over the age of two should wear a mask in public and around others in the house who do not live with you. “We will reinforce it,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky told the White House briefing.

“We continue to recommend that the mask be two or more layers, completely covering the nose and mouth, and a snug fit on the sides of the nose and face,” Walensky said.

Medical procedure masks, such as the commonly seen blue surgical masks, usually do not fit tightly on the face, creating gaps and allowing unfiltered air to escape. The attached cloth mask works easily and secures the loose medical mask in place. This improves protection by preventing the leakage of unfiltered air and particles and providing better protection for the wearer and those around him.

Double masking and knots

Since January 2021, the CDC has used “double masking” and “notting” methods to test two simple changes that improve the performance of commonly used masks.

This study found that “knots” can improve the overall performance of medical procedure masks. Fold the edges of the mask inward and tie the ear loop straps where they meet the mask fabric to flatten the excess fabric and reduce the gaps on both sides of the face.

A knotted medical mask can prevent 63% of particles that may contain coronavirus from escaping, according to a weekly report on CDC morbidity and mortality released Wednesday, when there is no knot. It is a significant improvement from blocking only 42% of the particles.

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The study also found that cumulative exposure to potentially infectious aerosols in non-infected individuals was reduced by 96.4% when both the source and the non-source were wearing double masks. Cumulative exposure was reduced by 95.9% when both individuals wore knot and tuck masks alone.

Both findings underscore the importance of proper fit to maximize mask performance and reduce exposure.

The CDC team used medical procedure masks and three-layer cloth masks to create a total of 12 different mask combinations. They performed tests using various combinations of unmasked, double-masked, and knotless or knotted medical procedure masks. They did not test the N95 respiratory system.

New data does not change recommendations

When studying “double masking”, these experiments used a single cloth mask on top of the medical mask. Researchers did not include other combinations of masks, such as cloth on cloth, medical procedure masks on medical procedure masks, or medical procedure masks on cloth.

“These new scientific data released today want to clarify that they do not change specific recommendations on who should wear masks and when they should be worn, but wearing proper masks. Provides new information on why is so important, to protect you and others. ” “Based on this new information, the CDC Update mask information Publicly available on the CDC website, it offers new options on how to improve the fit of your mask. “
Some may see the new CDC research effort as the first lukewarm approval from the federal government that the public needs higher quality masks. Expert And Democrat I have been asked.
Fake N95 masks flooded the market.Here's how to tell the difference
Ann Axios-Ipsos Opinion polls say that 72% of Americans wear masks all the time, but some Americans are dissatisfied with the evolution of mask guidance for the new coronavirus. Experts point out that “novel” means something new, and recommendations may change as scientists and health officials learn more.

Dr. John Brooks, Chief Medical Officer of the CDC’s Covid-19 Response, who worked on the study, described the findings as “new information that helps consumers actually manage risk.”

“If you wear a mask, consider what you can do to make sure the mask fits well to improve performance,” Brooks told CNN.

Masks became an important part of the coronavirus response when it was discovered that the virus could be transmitted by asymptomatic carriers. It was initially scrambled to get people to wear masks last spring, but some experts have done research last year to prove that masks can prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Now that we know how well the mask works, according to Brooks, the next step is to make the mask work better.

“We didn’t have to think about the regulation of cloth masks,” Brooks told CNN.

Consumer mask standards at work

Efforts are also being made to create the first consumer mask standard in the United States.

ASTM International, an international technical standards organization, and the National Institute of Personal Protective Technology are working on standards that help Americans determine which masks actually work.

The National Institute for Personal Protective Equipment Technology is part of the CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Brooks said the CDC encouraged or recommended the ASTM standard, but did not believe that the CDC would require it to avoid “creating barriers.”

He believes that developing consumer mask standards can move the manufacturing market in the right direction. This is ultimately necessary to ensure consumer protection.

“We hope ASTM’s approval that you meet their standards will push the industry in the direction of ensuring that they focus on making masks that actually do what they envision. I will. “


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