Dallas County reports 1,231 new COVID-19 cases and 37 deaths
Dallas County COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining
Dallas — As of February 10, 2021, at 2:00 pm, the Dallas County Health and Welfare Service provided 1,231 additional positive cases of 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Dallas County, 1,018 confirmed cases, and 1,018 confirmed cases. We report 213 estimated cases. A total of 237,943 cases have been confirmed (PCR test). There are a cumulative total of 32,853 possible cases (antigen test). A total of 2,519 residents of Dallas County died of COVID-19 illness.
Dallas County Health and Welfare Services provides initial vaccinations to people at highest risk of exposure to COVID-19, with 42,517 COVID- The first dose of 19 vaccines was given. .. The rest of this week’s quota will be the second vaccination.
Additional deaths reported today include:
- A man in his twenties who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had no underlying high-risk health status.
- A man in his 50s who was a resident of the city of Lauret. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 50s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 60s who lived in Dallas. She was in the hospital.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of Garland. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 60s who lived in a group home in Dallas. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Lauret. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of Garland. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 60s who lived in Dallas. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A woman in her 60s who lived in Lauret. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and had no underlying high-risk health status.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of Garland. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 60s who lived in Garland. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Irving. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and had no underlying high-risk health status.
- A woman in her 60s who lived in Garland. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man in his 70s who was a resident of Garland. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 70s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill at a local hospital.
- A woman in her 70s who lived in Lauret. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man in his 70s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 80s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. She was seriously ill at a local hospital.
- A man from the 1980s who was a resident of Wily. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 80s who lived in Desoto. She was hospitalized and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man in his 80s who lived in a nursing care facility in Garland. He was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 80s who lived in a nursing care facility in Lancaster. She was hospitalized and had no potential high-risk health status.
- A man in his 80s who lived in a nursing care facility in Dallas. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man from the 1980s who was a resident of the city of Irving. He was hospitalized and had no underlying high-risk health status.
- A man from the 1980s who was a resident of the city of Irving. He had expired at the facility and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man from the 1980s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He expired at home and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man from the 90’s who was a resident of the city of Desoto. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 90s who lived in a nursing care facility in Koppel. He expired in hospice and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A woman in her 90s who lived in a nursing care facility in Dallas. She expired in hospice and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A 90’s man who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A 90’s woman who was a resident of the city of Dallas. She was seriously ill at a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
- A man from the 90’s who was a resident of the city of Garland. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A man in his 90s who lived in a nursing care facility in Mesquite. He expired at the facility and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
- A 90’s woman who was a resident of the city of Irving. She was hospitalized and was in potentially high-risk health.
Four cases of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7 have been identified in residents of Dallas County who have not recently traveled outside the United States. CDC Week 4 Daily New The interim 7-day average of possible confirmed cases (according to the date of test collection) is 1,381, which is 52.4 daily new per 100,000 inhabitants. The percentage of cases. The proportion of SARS-CoV-2 positive respiratory specimens remains high, with 24.7% of symptomatic patients admitted to local hospitals during the 4th week (week to January 30, 2009).
MIS-C Cases in Dallas County
In the last 30 days, there were 7,012 cases of COVID-19 in school-age children, and staff were reported from 713 separate kindergarten to high schools in Dallas County. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 420 children have been hospitalized in Dallas County under the age of 18, 32 of whom have been diagnosed with pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). Over 80% of MIS-C cases reported in Dallas occur in Hispanic, Latino, or black children.
“Today, we report an additional 1,231 positive COVID cases and 37 deaths, including a man in his twenties who is not in underlying high-risk health. We continue to wear masks and report You must wash your hands, keep a distance of 6 feet, and avoid the crowd at least until you reach herd immunity. These small sacrifices are ourselves, our beloved, until we reach that point. It helps protect people, and people in our community, from viruses.
We received good news today that our site at Fair Park was selected as a federal mass vaccination site starting the week of February 22nd. We would like to thank the Biden administration for providing these highly needed resources to our community, especially to our devastated areas. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said.
All COVID-19 updates and information for Dallas County can be found here: And all the guidance documents are here:
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