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In the UK, the roving team brings COVID-19 vaccination to the homeless

In the UK, the roving team brings COVID-19 vaccination to the homeless


In a pandemic, homeless people face more forgotten than they already have

Mehta, a general practitioner, and a small team of his doctors and nurses appear at a local homeless center, a hotspot for COVID-19, and are free to dozens of people who may be left behind on a mass vaccination drive in the UK. We offer jabs. ..

“If we don’t actively find them, they will be missed,” Mehta said. “They aren’t doing anything for them in terms of medical care. Finding them is absolutely essential to what we need to achieve in the autonomous region.”

Homeless people are not listed in the UK Government’s top priority group for vaccine deployment. This includes people currently over 70, residents of nursing homes, front-line medical staff, social care workers, and clinically vulnerable people.

Some local governments across the UK identify clinically vulnerable people so they can access the jab, as people sleeping outside or in shelters do not have an address that doctors can reach. I started sending a roving vaccination team for this.

The charity Homeless Link told doctors last month that the British government had housed as many so-called rough sleepers as possible in local authorities, the temperature plummeted, and more contagious viral variants significantly increased the UK’s infection rate. He said he appealed to support registration. .. But charities said there was no clear strategy to ensure that homeless people were vaccinated, which meant that officials from different regions were forced to make different efforts.

“We believe we need a targeted approach to vaccination to protect homeless people,” said Rick Henderson, chief executive officer of a charity. ..

“Homeless people are much more likely to report chronic illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, and stroke and are older in time. In addition, using communal accommodations such as homeless hostels, There is an increased risk of getting COVID-19, “he added.

In the northeastern suburbs of London, where England has the worst infection rates, Mehta and his mobile vaccination team are busy working outside the clinic. They vaccinated more than 200 homeless people and social care workers at two community centers last week, with an additional 70 expected next week.

Mehta is pleased with the progress made so far.

“These are very difficult groups to reach. You could be here today and in different places, such as going to central London the next day,” he said. “We are chasing them effectively.”

Earlier this week, the British government also promised that people living illegally in the UK would be encouraged to register with a doctor and be vaccinated, not to check immigration status or risk deportation. .. It was not clear how many people the policy would affect — the last official estimate in 2005 suggested that about 430,000 people in the country do not have the legal right to stay.

In the UK, more than 12 million people are currently vaccinated with at least one coronavirus vaccine. Authorities said they plan to provide the first dose to 15 million people in the top priority group by Monday and have set a goal of vaccination of all adults in the country by the fall.


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