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According to the CDC, fully vaccinated people can skip Covid’s

According to the CDC, fully vaccinated people can skip Covid’s


(CNN)-People who have been completely vaccinated against the coronavirus (meaning they are currently vaccinated twice with either the Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccine) are exposed to those infected with the virus. If so, you can skip the quarantine. Disease management and prevention said Wednesday.

That doesn’t mean they should stop taking precautions, the CDC said in an updated guidance. They do not need to be quarantined.

“People who are fully vaccinated to meet the criteria will not need to be quarantined after being exposed to people with COVID-19,” the CDC said. Update the web page With guidance on vaccination.

“Vaccinated people exposed to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 do not need to be quarantined if they meet all of the following criteria,” the CDC added.

Criteria: Must be fully vaccinated-Must be vaccinated at least 2 weeks after the second vaccination. This is because it takes two weeks to build complete immunity after the second dose of the vaccine.

However, the CDC says it doesn’t know how long the protection will last, so anyone who took the last shot more than three months ago should be quarantined even if exposed. According to the CDC, you should also quarantine if you have any symptoms.

“This recommendation to abandon quarantine for people with vaccine-derived immunity is consistent with the quarantine recommendation for people with innate immunity and is easier to implement,” the CDC said. The institution will update the guidance as more is learned.

According to the CDC, vaccinated people should be aware of their symptoms for 14 days after being exposed to an infected person.

According to the CDC, everyone, with or without vaccination, must follow all other precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. This is because even vaccinated people have the virus in their nose and throat, which can infect others.

“At this time, vaccinated people should wear masks, keep at least 6 feet away from others, avoid congestion, avoid poorly ventilated areas, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently. You must continue to protect yourself and others according to current guidance, including guidance related to the use of personal protective equipment or SARS-CoV-2 testing according to the CDC travel guidance, applicable workplace or Follow the school guidance. “

According to the CDC, vaccines prevent symptomatic illnesses, but have not yet been shown to prevent asymptomatic illnesses. Although asymptomatic people can spread the coronavirus, the CDC states that “symptomatic and presymptomatic infections play a greater role in infection than pure asymptomatic infections.” Stated.

In addition, according to the CDC, the benefits of not unnecessarily blocking people for two weeks can outweigh the risk of infection in these cases.

“These criteria can also be applied as a strategy to mitigate staff shortages when considering work restrictions for fully vaccinated health care workers who have been exposed at high risk. Exposed healthcare workers do not need to be quarantined outside of work.

“With the exception of the above guidance, which no longer requires quarantine of fully vaccinated persons, vaccinated inpatients and medical practice residents are to those who are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. Quarantine should continue after exposure to quarantine. Outpatients should be careful about using proper transmissions-based on vaccination, “CDC added.

This is because it is unclear how effective the vaccine will be for hospitalized people.

“Unfavorable, medical facilities have serious problems (eg, lack of space, staff, or PPE to safely care for exposed patients or residents) if other options fail or are not available. Abandonment of quarantine for vaccinated patients and residents can be considered as a mitigation strategy. These decisions can be made in consultation with public health authorities and infection control experts. . “


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