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Sleeping less than 5 hours may increase the risk of dementia in the elderly – Harvard Gazette

Sleeping less than 5 hours may increase the risk of dementia in the elderly – Harvard Gazette


Sleep and health are inextricably linked.New research from Harvard researchers Brigham and Women’s Hospital Participants who investigated the relationship between sleep disorders and deficiency in the elderly and risk of dementia and death and reported less than 5 hours of sleep compared to participants who reported 7-8 hours of sleep per night We have found that people have twice the risk of dementia. The team also found an association between sleep disorders and sleep deprivation with an overall risk of death.The results are published in aging..

“Our findings clarify the link between sleep deprivation and the risk of dementia and confirm the importance of efforts to ensure that older people get enough sleep every night,” said the lead author. I will. Rebecca Robins of Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders..

To investigate the relationship between sleep quality and quantity and the risk of dementia and death, Robins et al. Collaborated with national representatives collected from older people participating in the National Health Aging Trends Study (NHATS). I used the data. NHATS is a longitudinal study of Medicare recipients over the age of 65. Survey data from NHATS participants has been collected annually since 2011.

In 2013 and 2014, a sample of 2,610 participants responded to the sleep questionnaire. Researchers looked at participants’ responses to several characteristics of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation, such as attention, nap frequency, time to sleep, and sleep quality (good / very good). I did. , Usually very bad / bad), sleep time and snoring. They also collected information on patient outcomes (from health care proxies as needed), including dementia and death from any cause, for up to five years after the study.

Overall, they found a strong link between some sleep disorders and deficiency variables and accidental dementia. Taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep was associated with a 45% increased risk of developing dementia. Staying awake, taking regular naps, reporting poor sleep quality, and routine difficulty sleeping for less than 5 hours per night were also associated with an increased risk of death.

“This prospective study found that baseline sleep deprivation, with an average age of 76 for participants, was associated with twice the risk of developing dementia and death from all causes over the next 4-5 years. “We have made it clear,” said senior author Charles Zeisler. , Head of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disorders. “These data add evidence that sleep is important for brain health and highlight the need for further research into improving sleep and the effectiveness of treatment for sleep disorders against the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and mortality. . “

The authors call for further study of the causal relationship between sleep and dementia and death, as insights may lead to new lenses for observing sleep in the elderly.

“Our study shows that very short sleep times in the elderly and poor sleep quality increase the risk of dementia and premature death. Ensuring healthy sleep in the elderly. We need to focus on, “said the second author. Stuart Quan In the sleep and circadian rhythm disorder department.

Funding for this work was provided by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (R01OH011773). NIH National Institute of Cardiopulmonary Blood (K01HL150339 and R56HL151637), and the Brigham Institute Fund for maintaining research excellence.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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