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A woman infected with Covid amputated three fingers after being blackened by the virus-World News

A woman infected with Covid amputated three fingers after being blackened by the virus-World News


Scientists shared a shocking image of a woman whose fingers turned black as a result of Covid-19.

One of the most unusual and disturbing symptoms of a pandemic patient, an older Italian woman has “dry gangrene of the second, fourth, and fifth fingers of her right hand,” according to a scientific journal I was told.

The illness destroyed her blood vessels, and her “necrotic” -dead-finger seems to have been amputated.

The case was published in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery and reported that an 86-year-old woman showed no other clinical signs of Covid-19. Scientists are still learning a lot about this.

Italian doctors described it as a “severe symptom” of the coronavirus.

She suffered from severe dry gangrene
She suffered from severe dry gangrene

Early in the pandemic, Chinese scientists Coronavirus Patients with hyperglycemia are more likely to die.

A study by researchers at Wuhan University in China found that Covid-19 increases glucose metabolism by promoting the overproduction of immune cells. This is a phenomenon known as “cytokine storm”.

This finding sheds new light on why diabetics are more vulnerable to deadly pandemics and why they can destroy blood cells, leading to the horrifying picture above.

At the time, co-author Dr. ShiLiu said: “We believe that glucose metabolism contributes to a variety of Covid-19 results. Both influenza and Covid-19 can cause cytokine storms.

“Covid-19 diabetics showed higher mortality.”

Doctors are aware of a large number of Covid-19 patients with blood clotting problems
Doctors are aware of a large number of Covid-19 patients with blood clotting problems

An Italian patient developed acute coronary syndrome in March-a sudden decrease in blood flow to the heart, and a blood clot blocked the blood supply to her fingers.

Overdriving the immune system with a “sicotin storm” can damage healthy tissue and can leak if blood vessels are damaged. blood pressure It can fall and the patient is more likely to form a blood clot.

In July The two dads from Cardiff lost both their thumb, index and middle fingers. Due to lack of blood circulation after he caught the coronavirus and spent 61 days on a ventilator.

In Italy, an older woman was wiped for Covid, which returned to positive.

She lacks blood flowing to her heart, and the drug prevents platelets (or blood clotting cells) from aggregating together.

Fermo’s doctor, on the Adriatic coastline 155 miles north of Rome, found her to have no obvious coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough, or loss of taste.

But a month later, her fingers turned black.

Doctors found that the blood pressure in the palmar digital arteries, which pumps blood through her hands to her fingers, was low.

Her amputated finger showed signs of intravascular thrombosis. This is when blood clots form in the arteries and veins and can block the heart.

Professor Graham Cook, who works with the National Institute of Health, NHS’s research arm, said: “It is important to note that Covid is a polyphyletic disease.

“I think one of the features that seems to distinguish it from other severe viral illnesses is this more hypercoagulable state that seems to be associated with later illnesses.”

Hypercoagulability is a condition in which a person’s blood coagulation is abnormally high-often the result of cancer, blood disorders, medications, HIV, or a heart attack.

Doctors are aware of a large number of Covid-19 patients with blood clotting problems.

This can mean that the disease is vascular as well as respiratory.

Professor Roopen Arya of King’s College London told the BBC in May that 30% of hospitalized coronavirus patients have blood clots.

“I think it has become clear that thrombosis is a big problem,” he told the BBC.


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