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Children are as susceptible to Covid-19 as adults

Children are as susceptible to Covid-19 as adults


Adults are more than twice as sensitive Coronavirus Mathematical studies were found in comparison with children.

637 households inhabitants Israeli The city of Bnei Brak was inspected for Covid-19 in the first wave of 2020 and the data was entered into a statistical model.

We found that children were as susceptible to Covid-19 infections as they were over 20 years of age, and that children were 37% less infectious.

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Residents of 637 households in Bnei Brak, Israel, were tested for Covid-19 in the first wave of 2020 and data were entered into a statistical model. According to a previous study, ultra-Orthodox Jews make up 12% of the country's population in Israel, but make up two-thirds of all Covid-19 infections. Photo of a super-Orthodox Jewish man wearing a mask during the third blockade in Bnei Brak on December 31, 2020

Residents of 637 households in Bnei Brak, Israel, were tested for Covid-19 in the first wave of 2020 and data were entered into a statistical model. According to a previous study, ultra-Orthodox Jews make up 12% of the country’s population in Israel, but make up two-thirds of all Covid-19 infections. A super-Orthodox Jewish man in the photo wearing a mask during his third blockade in Bnei Brak on December 31, 2020.

Children vaccinated against seasonal flu are less likely to suffer from COVID symptoms

Studies have shown that children who are vaccinated against the flu each year are less likely to develop the symptoms of Covid-19.

The researchers examined the medical records of 905 children who were positive for Covid-19 at admission. Arkansas Children’s hospital system from February 1st to August 30th, 2020. About half were vaccinated against seasonal flu.

However, data show that children vaccinated against the flu are 29% less likely to develop symptoms of Covid-19 after being infected with the flu. Coronavirus..

Scientists have also found that people who are vaccinated against the flu have a 32% lower risk of developing respiratory symptoms and a 33% lower risk of developing severe illness.

Researchers at the University of Missouri, Columbia, who led the study, believe that influenza jabs may provide immunological protection against Covid due to a biological phenomenon known as “viral interference.”

It has been repeatedly found that, unlike adults, children are largely unaffected by coronavirus infection throughout the pandemic.

They account for a small proportion of symptomatological cases and even less for hospitalization and death.

For example, as of February 11, 2021, only 34 of the 77,745 Covid-related deaths in hospitals recorded by the NHS England were under the age of 19, accounting for about 0.44 percent.

As of January 29, there were 115,365 deaths associated with Covid-19, 27 of whom were under the age of 19—0.023 percent, according to data separate from the National Bureau of Statistics data.

However, the role of children as carriers of the virus is relatively unclear, and experts are arguing whether the virus can be carried and spread asymptomatically.

Dr. Itai Dattner, lead author of research at the University of Haifa, said: ‘When we started this study, understanding the role of children in infection in relation to the issue of school reopening was a top priority.

“It was exciting to work in a large interdisciplinary team gathered by the Israeli Ministry of Health to tackle this topic quickly.”

Researchers have set out to map the course of the disease to determine how the infection was affected by age.

‘Mostly [Bnei Brak’s] Residents are ultra-Orthodox Jews, with large households and a young population (about 51% under the age of 20), “the researchers wrote in a study published today in PLOS Computational Biology.

“The city of Bnei Brak has the highest per capita infection rate in Israel and was the only city in Israel that was declared a” restricted area “. “

According to a previous study, ultra-Orthodox Jews make up 12% of the country’s population in Israel, but make up two-thirds of all Covid-19 infections.

During the March, April and May 2020 investigations, the city was closed and all members of the house were inspected in the event of a suspicious incident.

A total of 3,353 people living in 637 households were surveyed, and each was wiped by rescue workers an average of 2.5 times.

Although children make up 54% of the household, there were an average of 1.57 infected adults and 0.8 infected children per household.

To further investigate the prevalence of Covid-19, antibody tests were sent to households that met certain criteria.

An Israeli study found that 43% of children were more susceptible to Covid-19 infection and 37% less infectious than children over the age of 20.

An Israeli study found that 43% of children were more susceptible to Covid-19 infection and 37% less infectious than children over the age of 20.

‘The criteria defined for selecting these households were: up to 4 adult (20+) members, at least 2 members who were negative using PCR, 1 adult , The other is a child (7-19) family preference with at least two members found to be positive using PCR, “the author explains.

A total of 130 households met this list of requirements and underwent serological testing.

Researchers pooled all available data into a mathematical model to track outbreaks at home and see who was infected by people who lived with them.

“We estimated that children’s relative susceptibility was 43 percent,” the researchers write.

“The relative infectivity of children was estimated at 63 percent.”

Researchers also found that children were more likely to receive negative PCR results than adults, despite being actually infected.

Dr. Dattner said: ‘These findings may explain global reports that the proportion of children diagnosed is lower than in adults.

“They can help inform mathematical modeling of Covid-19 dynamics, public health policy, and control measures.”

Future computational studies may investigate infectious dynamics in other environments such as nursing homes and schools.

Will the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community hurt herd immunity?The London community is still at risk and may be spreading the virus even though 64% are infected

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in London is still at risk for the coronavirus and has not achieved herd immunity, scientists said in last year’s study that two-thirds were infected with the disease. I warned after showing.

Researchers at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine found that 64% had Covid-19 antibodies after testing the blood of 1,750 members of the community.

This is one of the highest infection rates in the world, comparable to the city of Manaus in Brazil, where it is estimated that 76% of the population has antibodies.

Jewish men and women suffered the highest mortality rate in the first wave of a pandemic in the UK

Jewish men and women suffered the highest mortality rate in the first wave of a pandemic in the UK

It follows the criticism of the ultra-Orthodox community by Jewish leaders in Britain, Israel and New York for hosting large-scale weddings and funerals that break the rules of social distance.

In Israel, ultra-Orthodox make up 12% of the country’s population, but make up two-thirds of infectious diseases, which could delay the effectiveness of vaccine drives that dominate the country’s world. There is anger.

However, experts said today that the high prevalence in London is from the coronavirus pandemic to the ultra-orthodox through “herd immunity” when the virus has stopped spreading because a sufficient number of people have immunity. Warned that it would not protect members of the community

Scientists have warned that a prevalence of at least 85 percent must be achieved to reach herd immunity, especially with hyperinfectious Kent variants of the coronavirus.

Also, because London’s ultra-Orthodox community is not isolated in the city, individuals are still at risk of getting sick from the larger population of the capital and can spread the infection outside their own communities.

The results also showed that older, ultra-Orthodox Jews had low antibody levels and a 54% prevalence over the age of 67, who had the highest risk of death or hospitalization if infected with the virus.

The median age of the London ultra-Orthodox community is 14, which is much lower than the 40 in other parts of the UK. This can also explain the low case fatality rate of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of 0.3%.

Scientists also say that the possibility of reinfection with a mutant that defeats the coronavirus mutant antibody also poses a risk to ultra-Orthodox Jews, and there is no solid evidence that the antibody lasts for more than 6 months. I’m warning you.


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