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Oncall: What is the vaccine?

Oncall: What is the vaccine?


After the second dose of the modelna vaccine, the columnist developed 102 high fever overnight and felt tired and painful the next day, but by the next day the symptoms had disappeared.

Hopefully New York is at the forefront of the availability and distribution of the wider Covid-19 vaccine. Pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS Now that we are accepting reservations for qualified New Yorkers, we would like to share our experience with the Moderna vaccine so that people can understand the side effects and feel at ease about their safety.

As a front-line healthcare professional, I was fortunate to receive my first dose of the vaccine a few days before Christmas. For the past year, I’ve been caring for Covid patients and working intermittently at a hospital that was testing at the clinic, not only for the protection it provides to me, but also as a way to show my trust. I was excited to get the opportunity. Helps reduce the spread of vaccines and Covid-19.

The first shot was done like most vaccinations. My arm was a little painful and swollen for about a day, and the next day I felt a little more tired than usual, but the next day I was completely restored. Many people report similar experiences after the first dose when talking to friends and colleagues who were able to receive one of the available vaccines.

Read or write about the vaccine and its safety, efficacy, and side effect profiles, and when you return to the hospital for a second dose after 4 weeks, more serious side effects may occur. I found out. And they definitely happened.

Within hours of the second vaccination, my arm hurt again and became slightly swollen. Then I had a fever of 102 and it cooled all night. By the time I woke up the next morning, I was tired and had muscle aches, just as I had the flu. I drank Tylenol, drank water, and was lucky to be able to rest that day. By the next morning, all of these symptoms had resolved.

My experience in this regard reflects the experience of many people I have spoken to and many explanations I have read. Not everyone experiences the full severity I did, but some do. Side effects range from feeling tired and a little pain to a complete array of fever, chills, and pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, they should be resolved immediately. Atypical effects such as coughing and shortness of breath that occur days after vaccination, or long-term typical effects such as fever that lasts more than 48 hours, should encourage medical professionals to assess other causes.

It was as disastrous as I felt that day or so, but I wasn’t worried that the vaccine gave me Covid itself. This is a messenger RNA about how the available mRNA vaccines are actually virus-free and how to build surface proteins from coronaviruses that our body’s immune system can recognize to trigger an antibody response. This is because it is just an instruction. Fever, malaise, and pain indicate that my body did just that.

Was it a comfortable process? You are welcome. However, I can play my part in keeping my family and patients safe by contributing to the overall reduction of severe cases, and perhaps even infection (which is still being evaluated from a viral point of view) is my Not far from the heart and worth the experience.

Hope it’s worth it when your time comes and the vaccine is offered to you.

Joshua Potter DO, Physician at Meetinghouse Lane Medical Practices at Stoney Brook Southampton Hospital, oversees the shelter island office of the clinic. He specializes in family medicine and neuromusculoskeletal medicine. The opinions expressed in this column are his personal and professional views, not necessarily those of his employer.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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