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Vaccine fairness is the “North Star” and clinics are the key to fair distribution, the federal government says

Vaccine fairness is the “North Star” and clinics are the key to fair distribution, the federal government says


Mary Burnett is one of about 12 seniors who received the Covid vaccine last morning at Neighborhood Health, a clinic quietly nestled in the development of vast public housing on the south side of downtown Nashville, Tennessee.

“Are you out of time, baby?” After waiting 15 minutes to make sure there were no allergic reactions, 74-year-old Burnett asked the nurse. Burnett, who is in a wheelchair, wasn’t in a hurry, but his nephew was waiting outside. He had to get to work.

“Uber, I’m ready,” she joked and called him.

Elderly people in colors like Burnett are lagging behind in corona vaccination, and the Biden administration plans to redirect doses to local clinics soon next week to close the new gap. .. Tennessee is one of the few states to assign vaccines to a network of clinics known as FQHC or federal-qualified health centers.

KHN in most states reporting racial and ethnic data analysis White residents were found to be vaccinated more than twice as often as black residents. In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Mississippi, the gap is even greater.

“Equity is our North Star here,” said Dr. Marcella Nunez Smith. briefing On Tuesday, it announced the shipment of vaccines to federally funded clinics. “This effort, which focuses on direct assignment to community health centers, is actually connecting with hard-to-reach people across the country.”

Nunez Smith, head of the Government Health Disparity Task Force, said the federal-funded clinic (at least one in every state) initially splits one million doses, with 500,000 patients on both. He said it was enough to get the dose. Eventually 250 sites will join.

The administration said that about two-thirds of the people served by FQHC live below the poverty line and more than half are racial or ethnic minorities.

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In Nashville, more than one-third of eligible white residents get their first shot, compared to one-quarter of Hispanic residents and less than one-fifth of black Nashville residents.

Unlike many local health departments, Neighborhood Health does not dodge the crowd. They are looking for people. And it’s a slow job compared to mass vaccination campaigns by many public health workers and health care systems.

Burnett lives in a public housing complex that collects the names of people who are interested in vaccination. She was fortunate enough to fulfill her promise with the help of her nephew. Transportation is a challenge for many older people. Some patients cancel at the last minute due to a failed ride. Clinics often offer to pick up patients.

Aside from logistic challenges, many of her neighbors aren’t in a hurry to get their dose anyway. “I tell them about taking it, they say,’Oh, I’m not going to take it.’ I say,” What’s the reason? ” “

Usually Burnett said they don’t offer many reasons. Her own motive is a sister with kidney disease who died of covid in July.

“You either die with it or you die without it. So if the shot helps, take a shot,” her brother told her in favor of getting the vaccine. It was.

Same story, next chapter

Colored races account for the majority of covid cases and deaths nationwide. And, as expected, the same factors driving these trends complicate vaccine deployment.

Rose Marie Becerra was invited to obtain the vaccine through Conexión Américas, an immigration advocacy group in Tennessee. Originally a US citizen from Colombia, she is worried about people who are not qualified as illegal immigrants.

“People who don’t have the paperwork here are nervous about what happens,” she said, worried that providing personal information would result in the Immigration Bureau tracking them. He added that he was.

And illegal immigrants are one of the people at highest risk of complex complications.

Neighborhood Health Despite having a total of 1,300 community health centers nationwide CEO Brian Heile His 11 clinics in the Nashville area said he could not balance the large health care system that tended to favor white patients with the means.

Heile said that everyone vaccinated, from hospitals to the health sector, needs to focus more on equity.

“We know what we need in terms of population-focused and labor-intensive efforts to vaccinate the highest-risk population,” Heile said. “What we have to do as a community is,” Make this happen. “

This story is from a partnership that includes: NPR, Nashville Public Radio And KHN..

Kaiser Health NewsThis article was reprinted from With permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorial independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan medical policy research organization unrelated to Kaiser Permanente.


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