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First cast of COVID-19 South African subspecies detected in North Carolina, officials say


(The video above is from WYFF News 4 at 5 pm) The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported the first identification of the COVID-19 South African subspecies in the state on Thursday night. Also known as the B.1.351 variant, it was first detected in South Africa in October and in South Carolina, USA in January. A case of the B.1.351 variant of North Carolina was identified in a sample from a central adult. In a state I haven’t traveled to recently. To protect your privacy, no further information will be disclosed. Specimens were tested by LabCorp and selected for sequencing as part of a partnership with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. North Carolina is the fourth state to report identified cases of B.1.351. As of February 9, nine cases of infection have been confirmed in residents of South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. The virus is constantly changing, and NCDHHS expects to see new COVID-19 variants in the state as the pandemic continues. .. The data suggest that this mutant may be more contagious than other mutants, but does not suggest that it causes more serious illness. The current COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be effective against this and other new variants. I expected the B.1.351 variant to arrive at NC, but it reminds me that the battle with COVID-19 is not over. Being more infectious than the emergence of variants means that it is more important than ever to do what we know to slow the spread. Wear a mask, wash your hands, wait 6 feet away, and get vaccinated when it’s your turn, “said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, MDNCDHHS instructed the CDC. Based on this, there are additional recommendations for improving mask wearing. To protect the mask as much as possible, NCDHHS recommends the following: Make sure the mask fits snugly on your face and covers your nose and mouth. You can use a mask with a metal strip on top of the mask for a snug fit. Use two or more layers for the face cover. To do this, wear two or more layers of cloth face cover or one disposable. Mask (surgical mask or medical procedure mask underneath a cloth mask sometimes called). Do not wear two disposable masks. Make sure it is easy to see and breathe. See the latest CDC guidelines for more information on how to improve mask wear. Latest Coronavirus Counts As of February 10, more than 1.4 million doses have been administered in North Carolina. The dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The goal of North Carolina is to vaccinate as many people as possible as soon as possible and fairly. Vaccine supply is limited. Therefore, all states must vaccinate people in groups. North Carolina is currently immunizing all people in Groups 1 and 2. This includes healthcare professionals, care staff and residents, and people over the age of 65. Vaccination eligibility for Group 3 people will begin on February 24th for teachers and child care workers and March 10th for additional frontline key workers. Group 4 includes adults at high risk of exposure and at high risk of serious illness. Group 5 All members are included. More information on each vaccine group can be found online at (English) or (Spanish). The North Carolina modified stay-at-home order is valid until at least February 28. This order requires you to stay. From 10 pm to 5 am at home Companies such as restaurants, bars, recreational facilities, personal care businesses, and most retail stores must close by 10 pm. In addition, all on-site alcohol consumption sales must end by 9 pm.

(The video above is from WYFF News 4 at 5pm)

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported the first identification of the COVID-19 South African subspecies in the state on Thursday evening.

Also known as the B.1.351 variant, it was first detected in South Africa in October and in South Carolina, USA in January.

Cases of the North Carolina B.1.351 variant were identified in a sample from an adult in the central part of the state who had not recently traveled. To protect your privacy, no further information will be disclosed. Specimens were tested by LabCorp and selected for sequencing as part of a partnership with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

North Carolina is the fourth state to report identified cases of B.1.351. As of February 9, nine cases of this subspecies have been confirmed in residents of South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia.

The virus is constantly changing, and NCDHHS expects to see new COVID-19 variants in the state as the pandemic continues. The data suggest that this mutant may be more contagious than other mutants, but does not suggest that it causes more serious illness. The current COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be effective against this and other new variants.

“We expected the B.1.351 variant to arrive in North Carolina, but it reminds us that the fight against COVID-19 is not over. The emergence of more infectious variants is us. It means it’s more important than ever to do what you know. Delay spread — wear a mask, wash your hands, wait 6 feet away, and when it’s your turn You will be vaccinated, “said NCDHHS Secretary-General Mandy K. Cohen.

NCDHHS has additional recommendations for improving mask wear, based on guidance from the CDC. To protect the mask as much as possible, NCDHHS recommends the following:

  • Make sure the mask fits snugly on your face and covers your nose and mouth. You can use a mask with a metal strip on top of the mask for a snug fit.
  • Use two or more layers for your face cover. To do this, wear two or more layers of cloth masks, or one disposable mask (sometimes called a surgical mask or medical procedure mask) underneath the cloth mask.
  • Do not wear two disposable masks.
  • Make sure it is easy to see and breathe.

For more information on how to improve mask wear, see the updated guidelines from. CDC..

Latest coronavirus number

As of February 10, North Carolina received more than 1.4 million COVID-19 vaccines. The goal of North Carolina is to vaccinate as many people as possible as soon as possible and fairly.

Vaccine supply is limited. Therefore, all states must vaccinate people in groups. North Carolina is currently immunizing all people in Groups 1 and 2. This includes healthcare professionals, care staff and residents, and people over the age of 65. Vaccination eligibility for Group 3 people will begin on February 24 for teachers and childcare workers and March 10 for additional frontline key workers.

Group 4 includes adults at high risk of exposure and at high risk of serious illness, and Group 5 includes all. For more information on each vaccine group, please visit: (English) or (Spanish).

The North Carolina modified stay-at-home order is valid until at least February 28. This order requires you to stay home from 10 pm to 5 am. Companies such as restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, personal care businesses and most retail stores must close by 10 pm. In addition, all on-site alcohol consumption sales must end by 9 pm.


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