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Explain the progress of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Explain the progress of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine


What you need to know about Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine

At a press conference on Thursday, Governor Larry Hogan said he hopes that Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine will be approved by the end of February. || Corona Virus Updates | Maryland’s Latest Numbers | Take Tests | Vaccine Information || Single-dose vaccines can be game changers and help speed up vaccination across the state, but for the general public It is different from the mRNA vaccine that we often hear from Pfizer and Modana. The J & J vaccine is already manufactured at Emergent BioSolutions in East Baltimore. We expect the FDA to grant an emergency use authorization within the next few weeks, which is very different from the vaccines already on the market. “I think it’s a great opportunity to vaccinate our arsenal with another vaccine,” said Dr. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Ruscalon, Maryland’s online vaccination site Locator Vaccine Data Dashboard Maryland. Frequently Asked Questions about State Vaccination Plans Doctors hope that the J & J vaccine will soon be approved by the FDA and join the Physer and Modana vaccines in the fight against the corona virus. Vaccines are different because they do not use mRNA like the other two. Instead, it uses adenovirus vector technology. “The genetic code of the SARS-coV-2 peplomer inserted into a highly weakened virus enters the body and does not adhere for a long time. It is replicated once, it expresses the peplomer and our body has it. It’s enough to develop immunity to the virus, “Karon said. The United States does not yet have an approved adenovirus vector vaccine, but Karon said the technology is not new and has been used for years at Oxford University and the Ebola vaccine. In clinical trials, the J & J vaccine was 72% effective against mild illness and 85% effective against severe illness, and importantly, no one was hospitalized or died 28 days later. Get the vaccine. By comparison, the mRNA vaccine proved to be 95% effective, but Karon said it could deceive it. “The J & J vaccine was tested when there were far more SARS-coV-2 than when testing other vaccines, so it could have been a tougher challenge in a way,” Karon said. Said. This vaccine has several advantages. It requires only one shot and can be stored at refrigerated temperature, making it much easier to manage. So, in the end, which vaccine is important? “In general, it doesn’t matter which vaccine you get. I think it’s great to have it in our arsenal,” says Karon. We will deliver 100 million doses of vaccine to the United States by the end of July. Also, because it is a one-time vaccine, 100 million people are vaccinated.

At his press conference on Thursday, Governor Larry Hogan said he hopes that Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine will be approved by the end of February.

|| Coronavirus update | The latest numbers in Maryland | I take the test | Vaccine information ||

Single-dose vaccines are game changers that help speed up vaccination across the state, but unlike the mRNA vaccines commonly heard by the general public from Pfizer and Moderna.

The J & J vaccine is already manufactured at Emergent BioSolutions in East Baltimore. We hope that the FDA will grant an emergency use authorization in the coming weeks, which is very different from the vaccines already on the market.

Dr. Ruscalon of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said: “Now I think it’s a great opportunity to vaccinate our arsenal with another vaccine.

Doctors hope that the J & J vaccine will soon be approved by the FDA and join the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the fight against the coronavirus. Vaccines are different because they do not use mRNA like the other two. Instead, it uses adenovirus vector technology.

“The genetic code of the SARS-coV-2 peplomer inserted into a highly weakened virus enters the body and does not last long. It is replicated once, it expresses the peplomer, and our body It’s enough to develop immunity to it, “Karon said.

The United States does not yet have an approved adenovirus vector vaccine, but Karon said the technology is not new and has been used for years at Oxford University and the Ebola vaccine.

In clinical trials, the J & J vaccine is 72% effective against mild illness and 85% effective against severe illness, and importantly, no one was hospitalized or died 28 days after vaccination. It was.

By comparison, the mRNA vaccine proved to be 95% effective, but Karon said it could deceive it.

“The J & J vaccine was tested when there was much more SARS-coV-2 than when testing other vaccines, so it could have been a much tougher challenge in a way,” Karron said. Mr. says. ..

This vaccine has several advantages. It requires only one shot and can be stored at refrigerated temperature, making it much easier to manage. So, in conclusion, which vaccine is important?

“Generally speaking, it doesn’t really matter which one you get. I think it’s great to be in our arsenal,” Karon said.

Johnson & Johnson said it could deliver 100 million doses of vaccine to the United States by the end of July. Also, because it is a one-time vaccine, 100 million people are vaccinated.


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