Climate change is exacerbating the pollen season and your allergies |
Allergies aren’t just the hassle of the sneaky season.
Hay fever has a major impact on health and economy.It exacerbates asthma and weakens defense against Respiratory virus, as a result Visit to more emergency rooms It confused school education and work.
Climate change has already exacerbated the pollen season in the United States and Canada, revealing a new study of nearly 30 years of data. The pollen season is getting longer and more intense.
According to the author, the time and amount of pollen that North Americans are exposed to pollen has “significantly increased” in recent decades.
Researchers examined various pollen indicators from 1990 to 2018 from 60 monitoring stations in North America. Scientists have found that the pollen season began up to 20 days ago and lasted up to 8 days longer.
The number of pollen or the concentration of pollen also increased, increasing by 20.9% between 1990 and 2018, and by 21.5% in the spring season alone.
“There is a huge amount of research on how climate change already affects our health. Our research has made climate change the number one cause of asthma, allergies and respiratory health problems. It fills in the important part that binds to one of the pollen, “says William. Anderegg, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Utah and the lead author of the study published at Journal PNAS on Monday.
“It’s a clear example that climate change is here now.”
Regional differences
The largest and most consistent growth was in Texas and the Midwestern United States, and research found Andereg to be surprised. He expected to see a larger increase in pollen in the more northern states.
He hypothesized that the reason for this was “not completely clear and would require further research to elucidate. The plant species found there are particularly sensitive to warming and the production of more pollen. There may be. “
The study looked at various factors in this change, including temperature changes, rainfall, frost days, and carbon dioxide levels, and found that rising average annual temperatures were the strongest factor.
Researchers also used computer models of the Earth’s climate to calculate how anthropogenic climate change increased pollen levels and lengthened pollen seasons.
“These computer models simulate a world without anthropogenic climate change and a world with anthropogenic climate change (that is, the real world),” Anderegg said in an email.
“By combining the observed pollen-temperature relationship with these two different scenarios, we can estimate how much anthropogenic climate change is affecting pollen trends.”
The pollen season gets longer
Researchers have concluded that it is a “strong impetus” in terms of the early start of the pollen season and the length of the long season. But with higher pollen levels, it was a more modest impetus.
According to scientists, the 2003-2018 period had a significant contribution to anthropogenic climate change compared to the longer 1990-2018 period. This is the cumulative impact of climate change, the cumulative impact of climate change, and the shorter duration.
Researchers also see that the impact on the human environment is milder when looking at annual figures compared to the spring season, and some reduction in summer pollen numbers is due to the life cycle of some plant species. He said it indicates a shift.
Some according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 19.2 million adults have been diagnosed with hay fever -Allergic reaction to pollen, fine powder from plants that may come in contact with eyes, nose, mouth and throat.
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